Element Taurus - Earth

Earth's everyday person, no eye-popping plans and projects, practicality and reality. Call things by their names and demands the same from others. You take only what you can see, hear and touch, what can confirm the material things, provable facts - and no fantasy. You can call prose, but for practical answers applied it to you. You are really doing business, while others only talk about them. Few imagine your hidden depths - you are too proud and independent, to open them or display. Taurus - reliable and steadfast, represents strength is firm as a rock until it is triggered volcanic your insides. Friends and loved ones should be chosen from the land or water - land needs water, if you do not want to become a desert. Land may also exist with fire, if no objection to its casual fun, and with the air, provided that he can from time to time to carry hurricanes. Your advantages: usability, reliability, ability to live on their income. You do not expect too much from life, consistent, persistent, hardworking, able to provide support and protection. You can manifest irregularities such as: boredom, lack of imagination, avarice, pessimistic view of things, stubbornness, cruelty to themselves and others, callousness. Home: to live on the earth, holding tight to the soles of his element, like gardens, greenhouses and flower boxes on the windows as a compromise. You need a quiet stability, reliable operation. Your spirit, brings good luck - a dwarf, he lives in invisible mink, in the garden, can live in a greenhouse, in a window box plants
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