To feel most – check a gall bladder! Whether there is no hepatitis?
Throughout history societies have believed that if their gods are displeased they will show their anger. If a dream figure is angry, therefore, we may feel that we are offending our own code of conduct or are suffering Divine
Displeasure. Often anger is symbolized in dreams by, for instance, a flaming torch or a raging animal. We can give ourselves permission to feel passion or aggression, which could be sexual or otherwise. Often the way we express emotion in dreams can give us information as to appropriate behaviour in everyday life. If someone is angry at you in dreams in an uncharacteristic way you may have offended them without consciously being aware that this has happened. Anger in a dream can often represent other passionate emotions. Aggression (an unprovoked attack) can be perceived as an extreme form of anger. We are struggling with the right to express that which is distressing us. We probably are unable to express emotion appropriately in waking life, but can do so in dreams. Annoyance is a mild form of anger which is a reaction to a perceived threat. It reflects our feeling that we are being denied what is ours by necessity or by right. Consult the entry for Argue/Arguments.
The portent of a display of anger in a dream is either good or bad, good if the anger is roused by injustice: bad if merely an exhibition of temper. To dream of striking a person in anger predicts shame through an amour.
Anger in a dream at someone you know is usually an expression of pent-up hostility toward that person. In waking you may not be able to express your anger, because you do not wish to hurt their feelings or they may be your employer. In sleep anger comes out because you have to vent it in some fashion. If you dream that someone is angry at you, then this means that you either suspect that the person in real life is angry at you, or you have that particular paranoia.
To be angry in a dream on poor, poor – you will receive a gift
Primary elements – a tree.
To see someone in anger – to failure in affairs. If dreams the young woman angered her beloved is a sign of that in their relations the crack is planned.
To be angry in a dream or to see someone in anger – to the forthcoming tests in private life. Most likely, you will suspend relations with the loved one. His thoughtless behavior which obviously will not be pleasant to you can become the reason for that. But nevertheless do not undertake drastic measures, perhaps, everything is not so serious as you think.
To dream someone’s anger – an omen of big tests for you: You will be disappointed in people and will break off the bonds of friendship connecting you which seemed to you strong.
If in a dream you test an anger attack, in reality your relatives are expected by quarrels and squabbles. The dream in which you see someone in anger, means that you should be afraid of failures in affairs. For the young woman to see the beloved the angered means that in their relations there can be a crack.
To dream someone’s anger – an omen of big tests and disappointments.
On the acquaintance – benefit through it;
Feel yourself - check out the gall bladder! Is not there a hepatitis? You are angry - someone molested, but did the right thing.
Who are you angry? Why is it anger? What causes anger? accumulated in real life anger somehow finds its way out in his sleep - because in fact we do not always allow ourselves openly angry. Anger, by and large, always destructive, and has traditionally been considered a taboo sense of personality, her appearance in a dream - it is a manifestation of It. Usually, anger is present in the dreams of the people who in real life can not openly express this feeling. This feeling - a reaction to a potential threat. Thus, it is clear that anger reflects our dissatisfaction with the failure that is rightfully ours or as needed. Impregnated this feeling dreams make you think about the relationship with others. Sometimes, in a dream you're angry at the man who in real life never cause you to have this feeling, it indicates that this person is far from perfect, which you it unconsciously endowed, this is a common reminder of the weaknesses of the person.
Who are you angry? What caused the rage? What causes anger? Accumulated in real life anger somehow finds its way out in his sleep - because in fact we do not always allow ourselves openly angry. Anger, by and large, always destructive, and has traditionally been considered a taboo sense of identity; its appearance in a dream - it is a manifestation of It. Usually, anger is present in the dreams of the people who in real life can not openly express this feeling. This feeling - a reaction to a potential threat. Thus, it is clear that anger reflects our dissatisfaction with the failure that is rightfully ours or as needed. Impregnated this feeling dreams make you think about the relationship with others. It happens that in the dream you are angry at the man who in real life never gives you this feeling; it indicates that this person is far from perfect, which you gave it unconsciously, it is customary reminder of the weakness of man.
To dream of someone's anger - foreshadowing the big test for you: Are you disappointed in others, and you break the binding ties of friendship that seemed to you a solid. Dream portends the machinations of your enemies, which rise in arms against you, threatening property and reputation. Seeing the angry friends and relatives, but most still maintain composure - the dream promises you mediate in a quarrel of two close friends. Your wise intervention that would be favorable.
Friendship, peace and devotion.
Loyalty, friendship, peace.
To friend — benefit through it; the stranger - unexpected good news.
The anger, angry in a dream - a joyous surprise; quick success in business.