Dream » C » Chestnut

The interpretation of the dream «Chestnut»

Chestnut tree or the fruit - no need to waste energy. Should stop mistake.

Miller’s dream book

To dream that you are holding in your hands or pluck the chestnuts, foretells losses in affairs, but in life - a pleasant companion. There are chestnuts - a sign of future sadness, but ultimately it will be replaced happiness. For a young woman to dream that she is eating chestnuts or guesses them, portends a wealthy admirer and good health.

Hasse’s dream book

Dreamed chestnut tree calls to hurry with the implementation plan. To see or eat the fruit of chestnuts - the dream says that in business and affairs of the heart will achieve success in life will be any pleasure.

Modern dream book

If you dream that you are holding chestnuts, in commercial cases you will incur losses. However, your disappointment will be brightened up by the advent of a new partner, who will remain loyal to you for years to come. If you dream you are eating chestnuts, soon on your sorrow will be over. For a young woman's dream in which she is trying to speculate on chestnuts, means that soon it will have a wealthy admirer.

New family dream book

Kept in a dream in the hands of chestnuts - get ready to losses in business and to meet a nice man. Ate chestnuts - in front of a sadness that, ultimately, will be replaced with happiness. For a young woman's dream in which she is eating chestnuts and wondering at them, portends a wealthy admirer and good health.

Chinese dream book of Zhou-guna

Eat chestnut. - Presage a parting.

Children's Dream Book

Chestnut — you will soon be very interesting to spend some time in a new way.

Culinary Dream Book

To see or gather chestnuts in a dream means that a person, once you fall out of love or ohladevshy to you again kindled passion.

Hold in their hands to touch or chestnuts - loss in business, but in life - a nice companion;

There are chestnuts - sadness, happiness that will change;

For a young woman - has chestnuts or speculate on them - to a wealthy suitor, good health.


See chestnuts or is - bad luck, after which you will get an inheritance. Pluck - work on other.

Solomon’s dream book

Chestnut — success in love.


To dream that you are holding in your hands or pluck the chestnuts, foretells losses in affairs, but in life - a pleasant companion. There chestnuts - a sign of future grief, but in the end eventually it will replace happiness. For a young woman to dream that she is eating chestnuts or guesses them, portends a wealthy admirer and good health. Alternative interpretation of what does it mean when you dream about chestnut

If you dream that you are holding the chestnuts, in commercial cases you will incur losses. However, your shame will be brightened up the appearance of a new partner, which will remain you faithful for many years. If in a dream you eat chestnuts, soon on your sadness will be over. For a young woman's dream in which she is trying to speculate on chestnuts, means that soon it will have a wealthy admirer.

Henry Rommel

On the ancient Ukrainian and Russian snotolkovaniya traditions, see or eat chestnuts - in significant revenue, success in business and in love.Modern interpretation to suggest who saw in a dream chestnuts contradictory news: Affaires - damages; in his personal life - a reliable companion.There chestnuts - a grief that turned to joy.Often: collecting chestnuts - learn about the revival of an old love.

Dream interpretation of Simon the Zealot

Results — success in love, joy in life, the tree - in a hurry with its intentions.