Dream » C » Church

Dream «Church»

To dream of a catholic church open to parishioners means your temper and desire in any way approve of his own importance in the eyes of others will stand you a disservice in the acquisition authority. See praying in the church of believers - will achieve much in life, if you listen more to the advice and opinion of the wise and prudent people from their surroundings. To hear the bells in the church is a disappointment in the events that had so long anticipated. Wander through the empty church dedicated to mean that soon will have to help with funeral arrangements good friend.


To waste; to bad luck in private life; look for a way to wash away guilt. A repentance church - make sinful offense.


To see the outside of the church in your dream, signifies sacredness and spiritual nourishment. It is representative of your value system and the things you hold sacred.

To dream that you are in a church, suggests that you are seeking for some spiritual enlightenment and guidance. You are looking to be uplifted in some way. Perhaps you have made some mistakes in the past which have set you back on your path toward your goals. With proper support, you will get on the right track again. Alternatively, it may also mean that you are questioning and debating your life path and where it is leading. You are reevaluating what you want to do.

Hasse’s dream book

Represents a need to be appreciated by those you love.

Miller’s dream book

To dream of seeing a church in the distance, denotes disappointment in pleasures long anticipated. To enter one wrapt in gloom, you will participate in a funeral. Dull prospects of better times are portended.

Nostradamus’s dream book

Dreaming of a church is a good luck omen and especially so if you dream of the outside of the building, which shows luck in love and marriage. The inside of a church shows that you will have a few small problems that could turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Of course, you must study the dream as a whole, for other activities may change the interpretation so that the church itself has no meaning other then that of location.

Dream book of the Wanderer

- to see church - wellbeing; awakening of religious feeling; event, related: wedding (marriage), burial service (death of the loved one).

Medieval dream book of Daniil

To see beautiful church — to big pleasure.

Old Russian Dream Book

To pray – happiness in all affairs; to enter – a remorse; to see – good luck.

Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

Church, mosque, house of worship (including religious attributes). The sources corresponding to ideas of altruism, morality and religiousness. Over I.

Schiller School student’s dream book

Melancholy and disappointment.

Snotolkovatel (1829)

To create church marks happiness and wellbeing extremely;

Ukrainian Dream Book

Church – the foreign country, the foreign land. As the church therefore who in bondage, is a sign which will come to will soon dreams. Church – prison. As churches dream – there will be some patience. Church, an icon, dough, rolls in the furnace – grief. Church – talk. Before a wedding her son in church dreamed mother.

Assyrian Dream Book

If a man in his sleep visited the temple, it offers good news, and his prayers will be answered, it will be healthy and well-being.

Azar’s dream book

Ordeal, longing.

Esoteric Dream Book

The wooden, small - to the choice of location or type of business. Log in Ts - you make the right choice, what soon see. Go side - the solution to which you are tempted is not successful. The church altar - you are guaranteed assistance to friends in employment, business and so on. f. Do not ignore it. See. "The Cathedral", "The Temple".


If a man in his sleep visited the temple, it offers good news, and his prayers will be answered, it will be healthy and well-being.

Henry Rommel

To build a church in his sleep - waking to get wealth.See the church in the distance - disappointed in the fact that on the very hopeful.Go to church - annoyed because of obstacles in the affairs; stand in front of the entrance and did not go - an unexpected trip.Entry into the Church - to suffer from remorse, tormented by remorse.Stand in a beautiful and brightly lit church - for honor and well-being; the empty and half-lit - the funeral.Pray in the church - to happiness in all your endeavors, God's blessing (believers).Outside near the church to see - good luck in the affairs of men and marriage proposal to a woman.

Miller’s dream book

To dream away the church - is disappointed in the events, so long anticipated. Log in church, immersed in darkness - a sign that you have to take part in the funeral. It also heralds the vague prospects and the long wait for better times.

Nostradamus’s dream book

Church — a symbol of cultural prosperity, spirituality and purity. To dream of a snow-white church with gold domes - heralds a cultural flowering of the country, its moral and spiritual foundations, universal oneness. A dream in which you saw the ruined church means illness and moral suffering. If you dream you attend a church service, in real life, you will feel remorse. To build a church in a dream - your desire for knowledge will be rewarded handsomely. To dream church, entwined with a snake - a bad sign. It is a threat to humanity, as all human values ​​will be destroyed by evil. If you dream you saw on the castle church - be careful! Your tendency to isolation and loneliness can push you to your near and dear man. A dream in which you see the church on fire, foretells the enmity between the generations and the collapse of the universal world order.

Dream interpretation of Simon the Zealot

Abright future, be it - in need will find help and consolation to hear it singing - your desires will be fulfilled; lighting - serious misfortune ruined - recognize the need, take some - make a careless act.

Tsvetkov’s dream book

To pray — happiness in all things; enter - remorse; see - good luck.

Ukrainian Dream Book

The Church — another's side, foreign land. As dream is why the church who are in captivity, it is a sign that will soon be released into the wild. Church - prison. How to take the church - there will be some patience. The church, icon, dough, bread oven - sadness. Church - talk. Before the wedding had a mother to her son in the church.

Dream book of Vanga

The emergence of a dream of this symbol indicates the desperate spiritual purification, repentance. See themselves within the church - a sign that in real life, your actions are dictated by personal selfishness and unwillingness to reckon with other people. This dream is a warning that the time for you to change your life and repent of sins committed.

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