Dream » C » Corn

Dream «Corn»

Corn — a reflection of the fact that labor is not a pleasure.

New family dream book

Painful blisters on the foot of dreams to the machinations of enemies. Got rid of calluses in his sleep - waking inherit a fortune from an unknown person to you. The woman, who saw in a dream calluses on his feet, to be a lot of testing and resentment caused by friends.

Aesop’s dream book

The symbol of hard work, hard road. By the presence of calluses on his hands was determined that one of the peasants, of the working environment. Knocked off his feet in the blood showed a long journey that took man. Corn - it is a symbol that gives a person too much anxiety. When they say "stepped on a nerve," imply that the person touches a sore spot, saying that troublesome, frustrating. To dream of a man who stepped on the toes, and he grimaced in pain - beware inconsiderate person who intervenes in your personal life; Avoid revelations and talk about what you care about, that does not rest; Be ready for a frank conversation; to the outpourings of the soul. See the hand on which no living space of calluses - to want to get rid of their work; you do not want to deal with someone who spends all his time on the job; for fear of hardship, which you guess ahead.

Miller’s dream book

To dream that the calluses on his leg hurt you, means that enemies are against you, preparing you a lot of grief and misery. But if you could get rid of calluses, the reality will inherit great wealth or property from some unknown person to you. For a young woman to dream of corn at his feet says that she has to undergo many trials and endure the insults caused her girlfriends.


The Great Mother, or Mother Nature, in her nurturing aspect is always shown with corn representing fertility and fecundity. To be harvesting corn is to be reaping the rewards of hard work. We may be linking with some very primeval needs and requirements. Most dreams containing images of corn or wheat symbolize fertility or fruitfulness. They may also represent new life - either pregnancy or new developments in other ways. Women are much more in touch with the natural forces so tend to dream of goddesses and their attributes. You might also like to consult the entries for Harvest and Mill/Millstone.

Culinary Dream Book

Happiness in marriage predicts a dream in which you saw a field of green corn. If the stem many cops, you will have charming children.

Esoteric Dream Book

Prosperity. To collect, a lot - is wealth, you should not worry. strew, sow trampled - a threat to poverty. pecking birds - your stocks, inflation will eat, or you suffer damage through the people: do not give the money lost in the bank.


Prosperity. To collect, a lot - is wealth, you should not worry. strew, sow trampled - a threat to poverty. pecking birds - your stocks will eat inflation, or you suffer damage through people: will not give the money lost in the bank.

Henry Rommel

Cornfield, corn on the cob portend a lucrative job, which, however, will bring not only money, but also the physical strain and mental fatigue.

Miller’s dream book

To dream that the calluses on his leg hurt you, is that the enemies are against you, prepares you much grief and misery. But if you can get rid of calluses, the reality will inherit great wealth or property from some unknown person to you. For a young woman to dream of corn at his feet says that she has to undergo many tests and endure wrongs inflicted on her friends.

Dream interpretation of Simon the Zealot

Profit, wealth.

Ukrainian Dream Book

As the dream of corn, it will have any profit.


Corn on a cob might represent:

Lots of little things in your life, such as items on a to-do list or worries

A situation where many parts make up a whole (such as employees in a country or people in a city)

Organization, getting things in order, or doing things in an orderly way—since corn is arranged on the cob in an orderly way

Individual kernels of corn might represent ideas or the start of something you feel has great potential.

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