If you dream you saw a beautiful healthy cows ready to give milk, then this dream promises profits and fulfillment of all desires.
Herd of cows had a dream foretells infidelity or deception, hostility, people close to you. If you dream you are chasing cows - a dream warns you of the danger to which you can escape with a caution. If a herd of cows in the dream belongs to you - a dream indicates an increase in your state.
Cows dream to roar, for any reason, you will weep bitterly.
If you see a cow in a dream, standing quietly waiting for milking - it promises to offer the performance of many of your wishes and hope for.
If you dream you saw a beautiful healthy cows ready to give milk, then this dream promises profits and fulfillment of all desires.
If you see a cow in a dream, standing quietly waiting for milking - it promises to offer the performance of many of your wishes and hope for.
To dream of a fat, hardened boar - you predicted recovery in the commercial and business areas. Lean hogs predict anxiety and frustration. See a pig with offspring - promises a rich harvest of peasants and success in business for the rest of. Hear squealing hogs - is bad news. This dream foretells disappointment because of someone's death or the disappointment of the consideration received for the implementation of the important work. Feed the dream of their own pigs - means an increase in the future of your personal property. Trade boar - a sign that you will become the owner of a large property, but it must be preceded by a great effort and vigorous activity. A dream in which you see the cows waiting to be milked, promises the fulfillment of desires and hope for.
Execution of the main desire, including connected with your health. Rest; moderation; occupation by a meditirovaniye.