Dream » C » Crossing

The interpretation of the dream «Crossing»

The crossing — the need to get rid of the old energies and move to a new. Consider, then after that particular crossing.

Tsvetkov’s dream book

Difficult changes.

Hasse’s dream book

Difficult changes. Also see. Raft.

Miller’s dream book

Expect a boat to cross to the other side fast and muddy river, portends frustration wonderful plans and unforeseen circumstances which placed execution of the noblest desires. Ferried across the river clean calm - promises. You happy, and achieving the goals, a lot of luck, which will crown your fate.

New family dream book

A dream in which you expect the boat to cross the river fast and muddy river, portends frustration of plans and unforeseen circumstances. If you are going to cross the river clean and quiet, you can achieve your goals.

Egyptian dream book of Pharaohs (Kenkherkhepeshef)

If a person sees himself in a dream ferried by boat - well, this means overcoming all disputes.

Snotolkovatel (1829)

Expect a boat to cross to the other side fast and muddy river, portends frustration wonderful plans and unforeseen circumstances that put the execution of the most noble desires.

Funneling through a clean, tranquil river - promises. You lucky goals and a lot of luck, which will crown your destiny.

Dream interpretation of Simon the Zealot

Crossing the river - the achievement of goals.


Crossing a river or chasm often depicts death. This is not necessarily a physical death but possibly spiritual change of some kind. We may encounter something we cannot control, and which may control us. To be crossing a field shows we could have a false sense of security, or may need to bring our feelings out into the open. To dream of crossing a road is recognizing the possibility of danger, fear or uncertainty. We are perhaps pitting ourselves against something that is bigger than us. Crossing someone suggests getting on the wrong side of them.

Dream book of the Wanderer

To be transported - through the river on other coast - death; rupture of the relations. To reach the coast - to achieve the objectives, to get out of the difficult situation or death.


If it was succeeded to be transported - to fast recovery; no - the illness will proceed still.

Old Russian Dream Book

Difficult changes.

Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

Important decision: a decisive step forward, perhaps, from the childhood to maturing. The instruction on the middle of life when individual estimates undergo cardinal changes. Transition from life to death.

Schiller School student’s dream book

Through the river – achievement of the planned purpose.


Expect a boat to cross to the other side fast and muddy river, portends frustration wonderful plans and unforeseen circumstances which placed the execution of the noblest desires. crossing the tranquil river clean - promises. You happy achievement of the goals and a lot of luck, which will crown your fate. Alternative interpretation of what does it mean when you dream about crossing

The dream in which You are waiting for the boat standing on a ferry and see the turbulent waters of the river, means that some of the circumstances that can not be predicted in advance, to prevent you to realize your plans. crossing the calm clean river means that fate will be favorable to you, and you'll get all that just You do not want.