Dream » E » Education

Dream «Education»


- Symbolizes a bygone lyubovEto universal symbol of eastern West - lily or rose. It has a solar and lunar aspects. Means death and life. Appears in the images of the gods of the sun in Egypt and India, as well as in the images of the lunar deities of the Semitic religions. Portrayed as the Great Mother Goddess of the Moon. This "; flower was originally a luxurious lily Great Waters, while the creatures come and go "; Lotus - this space, rising out of the chaos as the sun, who rose from a lotus at the beginning of the world. This is the flower of Light, the result of the interaction of the creative forces of the sun and moon forces of water. Being opened at dawn and closes at sundown, he represents his rebirth, and hence any other revival, creation, fertility, renewal and immortality. Lotus - this is the perfect beauty. Open flower, taking the form of points, represents the wheel of a solar array, solar wheel of the continuous cycle of existence. In addition, it forms a bowl, symbolizing the receptive feminine principle. Lotus - the symbol of perfection, as the leaves, flowers and fruits form a circle - the lotus symbolizes spiritual revelation, beginning to rise out of the mud and slime and sprouting up through the murky waters to reveal the sun and in the light of Heaven. Square personify insolubility; stem - the umbilical cord that bound man to his roots; flower is in the form of sunlight; box with seeds symbolizes the fertile power of creation. Its flower rests in the quiet waters. In the bud hid all the potential. Its bloom - an extension, education, the heart, the cosmic wheel of appearances. Seed pods symbolize creation. Lotus - "; mover on the waters "; hole in the seed box is smaller than the seeds inside it, and when a box pops, seeds fly away to take root there, where they will carry water. The lotus is also a symbol of extraordinary or divine birth, leaving unstained from the mud water. The gods depicted emerging from a lotus signify the world, growing out of the element of water, while the lotus symbolizes the sun, the water comes up from the initial chaos. Being a solar-lunar, the lotus is also androgynous, self-sufficient and pure in its purity. Image of flame rising from a lotus interpreted as divine revelation, and the union dualistic forces of fire and water, sun and moon, male and female. Lotus flower and leaf can support the existence of any level. In Assyrian, Phoenician and hittskoy cultures lotus has a meaning and a burial represents death and rebirth, resurrection and future life, the productive forces of nature. The thousand-petalled lotus - the symbol of the sun, the heavens, and to the man symbolizes the skull. In the form of a lotus throne is the perfection and harmony of the universe, the top spiritual perfection. Two lotus represent Upper and Lower Waters. In Buddhism, the lotus symbolizes the spiritual revelation and flourishing; wisdom, nirvana. Lotus stem - is the world axis, on which the lotus-flower throne - top of mind. Lotus is dedicated to the Buddha, who appeared in the form of a lotus flame named "; Pearl of the Lotus "; Buddha is considered the heart of the lotus, he sits on a throne in the form of fully revealed flower. According to the tradition of Chinese Buddhism, "; Lotus Heart "; peace, harmony, union. In Chinese culture, lotus symbolizes the purity, perfection, spiritual grace, peace, women's genius, summer, fertility. In addition, the lotus symbolizes the past, present and future, as each plant has buds, flowers and seeds at the same time. Lotus - the symbol of the noble man who grew up out of the mud, but it is not soiled. The Egyptians means lotus "; fire intelligence "; , Creation, fertility, rebirth, immortality, the royal power. As an attribute of Isis, it represents fertility, virginity, purity and the Virgin Mother. In the Greco-Roman culture lotus - the emblem of Venus Aphrodite. In Hinduism, the lotus - a symbol of the universe as a passive aspect of the phenomena of the world; the highest form or aspect of the Earth; creative force of the eternal nature; mover in the lap of water self-replicating, self-born, immortal and spiritual nature of man; disclosure of all abilities, eternal life, superhuman start, purity, beauty, longevity, health, fame, fortune, especially for children. Lotus is on the threshold of the temple housing the deity and the state of purity and dispassion required during prayer. Lotus with triple stem represents the triple aspect of time. The lotus is a symbol of peace, as the center of the flower is sometimes depicted as Mount Meru in the aspect of the global axis. The chakras are often depicted as lotuses, which in this context take on the symbolism of the wheel, which is revealed when waking its center, and the chakra begins to spin. In Iran, the lotus symbolizes the sun and light. In Mayan symbolism it represents the Earth, manifested universe. In Sumerian-Semitic tradition lotus symbolizes the sun and sun gods and moon gods with the Great Mother. In addition, it represents, on the one hand, the creative force, and on the other - the funeral, life, death, resurrection and immortality. In Taoist sun flower - a cosmic wheel of life, spiritual revelation, the heart; emblem of a Taoist immortal geniuses Zen Ho-Ku.

Miller’s dream book

To dream that you are anxious to obtain an education, shows that whatever your circumstances in life may be there will be a keen desire for knowledge on your part, which will place you on a higher plane than your associates. Fortune will also be more lenient to you. To dream that you are in places of learning, foretells for you many influential friends.

Nostradamus’s dream book

If you dream you are in a school you will soon have the desire to better yourself with a higher education or job training of one kind or the other. To dream you are attending college shows that your desire for education will set you apart from the rest and denotes that you will have a successful life.


Gift, remuneration.


In the dream, to feel a strong desire to get a good education - portends you constant thirst for knowledge, which is manifested in all circumstances of life and your future will allow you to firmly occupy the high social status. Destiny will favor to you. Learn in a dream - you heralds environment sincere and influential friends. Alternative interpretation of what does it mean when you dream about education

If you dream you are trying to get an education, the reality of your distinguishing feature is the thirst for knowledge. And if fate will be favorable to you, then this circumstance will help you take a high social status. See yourself in the walls of the institution of higher education - to the attainment of influential friends.

Miller’s dream book

In the dream, to feel a strong desire to get a good education - portends you a constant thirst for knowledge, which is manifested in all circumstances of your future life and allow you to securely take a high social status. Destiny will take pleasure in you. Learn in a dream - you heralds environment sincere and influential friends.