Dream » F » Fanatic

The interpretation of the dream «Fanatic»

Longo’s dream book

Fanatics happen different, but there is one property which is making related them namely – devotion to some idea. There are fanatics religious, there are fanatics from science, is even political, and recently appeared also fans – adherents of these or those teams or adorers of these or those stars of show business. Anyway the meeting with such people does not promise anything, and in reality, in a dream. So if this or that version or maybe even all together dreamed you, prepare for serious vital difficulties, and here what sort there will be these difficulties, now will understand. So, the religious fanatic who literally war goes on dissidents dreamed you and is going to bring down for their impious heads all thunders heavenly. What can mean a similar dream? He says that in you strong desire to devote itself(himself) to religion, however you consider its laws too rigid and even cruel. You are persons liberal and with patience and understanding treat the people professing own views. But it seems to you that the church has no such tolerance, besides, you madly are afraid of religionism, and all these fears keep you from decision-making. You should communicate to servants of church and to make so that communication it was extremely frank, in any case of you, and your sincerity will cause response and in an adverse party. Perhaps, you will understand that all your fears are far-fetched, and will manage to enter a bosom of church without hesitation. But can happen and so that you will finally be disappointed in church and will understand – your place not there. Anyway such dream means serious reflections about the destiny, about destiny of relatives to you people and even about destinies of the world, well and, naturally, the similar dream says that came it is time to be engaged in the soul seriously. If you see the fanatic from sport, in reality you are frightened by a brute force and determination. Decision-making as the choice is for you a serious problem troubles you. Nonresistance to the evil violence and other features of Tolstoi are good only in the theory, but, unfortunately, in our mad world such methods of fight for the truth and happiness of a bezdeystvenna, is worse than that, are simply harmful. They let know strong, what nobody tries to resist to them, and your nobility will simply amuse them. Therefore reject all doubts, break yourself and learn to be rigid, and in some cases – cruel and do not consider that, defending the personal interests, you betray someone. If you see yourself the fanatic, not important, what sense, it testifies that you got used to achieve the by all means, you from adherents of the principle: you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs. Of course, we live in cruel time, but even at this time you should not show excessive aggression and determination is only will frighten off from you people, and to find new allies with your such reputation will be difficult. Try to be softer, more tactful and to show big philanthrophy. In this case you with smaller expenses of physical and mental energy will achieve much bigger progress.


A fanatic was initially ?one who was inspired by God?, zealous in all he did in the service of his god. Only later did this become debased into the more negative meaning of someone who has no sense of respect for physical life. It is, unfortunately, this latter interpretation that surfaces in many of todays dreams. When we find ourselves in dreams being totally focused to the point of fanaticism on a particular outcome it is perhaps wise to consider and appraise our commitments. Without determination and tenacity many tasks cannot be completed. Dreaming of a known fanatic or act of fanaticism can help us to complete our projects. You might also like to consult the entry for Martyr.