Linen - a reflection of the successful initiatives.
Dream about flax is considered good because it symbolizes the steps you endeavor to be successful and bring you prosperity.
Knead — inheritance spin - thrift attain well-being and for men - the shame and humiliation.
Auspicious dream.
See - the successful initiatives that will bring you prosperity.
To dream flax - an auspicious sign. This dream promises good luck in all your endeavors.
Flaxseed see — a lot of work, there is little benefit. His seed - an honor. Flowering flax see - well-being, success. Its clean up - profit. Len crush - honor.
Favorable sign, a dream promises success in all business ventures.
To dream flax - an auspicious sign. This dream promises good luck in all your endeavors.
Flax — to the road.
Len to dream means acquisition of benefit over any expectation; to sow it obtaining honor means.
This is an auspicious dream. Len, seen in a dream - a sign of successful initiatives that will bring you prosperity. This is an auspicious dream. Len, seen in a dream - a sign of successful initiatives that will bring you prosperity.
To communication with the simple person who will ask you for the help; perhaps, it is necessary to give a handout to beggars.