Dream » G » Gate

Dream «Gate»

Seen in a dream foretells a happy wicket, but the fragile marriage. Passing through the gate in his sleep - waking you suddenly humiliated people from whom you did not expect such a. Open or close the gate - a harbinger of events completely unpredictable and unanticipated.

If you dream the gate is closed by a huge castle, then in real life, your offer will be rejected and you will lose the chance to distinguish their abilities.

The gate, which is based on word of honor, says your open and kind soul, but disorderly nature.

Tsvetkov’s dream book


Hasse’s dream book

To see or open – a happy, but fragile matrimony; I zamknutoit – your offer will be rejected.

East female dream book

To hear how the gate creaked, means that you are disturbed by something. To say goodbye to someone at a gate – to disappointment or losses. To see how to you someone enters a gate, – to receiving news. What they will be, it is possible to judge on appearance of the guest. If it is pleasant to you, and news will be joyful. The person with unpleasant appearance warns about news unpleasant.

Modern dream book

If in a dream you say goodbye to someone at a gate, in real life you are expected by disappointment or loss. To see how to you someone enters a gate, foretells news. What will be these news, it is possible to judge on appearance of the guest. If it is pleasant to you, and news will be joyful. The person with unpleasant appearance warns about negative news. To hear how the gate creaked, means that you are disturbed by something.

Old Russian Dream Book


See or open - happy, but the precarious marriage of closed - your offer will be rejected.

If you dream you say goodbye to someone at the gate, in real life you expect disappointment or loss.

To see how to you at the gate one enters portends news. What will be the news, you can judge by appearances guest. If it is pleasing to you, then the news will be joyful. A man with an unpleasant appearance warns of the negative news.

Hear the creaking gate, means you something alarmed.

Wicket — humiliation.


The gate in dreams is a potent image of the transition between the physical and spiritual realms, not just in the sense of death, but also as we learn more about spirituality. It is used as a 'gateway' for communication, and as a visualization before sleep can help us to access much information. It will sometimes signify the half-aware hypnogogic and hynopompic states between sleeping and waking. Dreaming of a gate usually signifies some kind of change, often in awareness. We are passing a threshold in our lives, perhaps trying something different or moving from one phase of life to another. Often the awareness of change is highlighted by the type of gate. For instance, a farm gate would tend to indicate a work change, whereas a garden gate might represent pleasure. In everyday life the image of passing through some kind of barrier appears often in dreams. An ornate gate might suggest a somewhat structured change, whereas an old gate, particularly if it is broken, suggests a well-worn way of working, which may need updating. Also consult the entries for Barrier and Door.

Miller’s dream book

To dream of seeing or passing through a gate, foretells that alarming tidings will reach you soon of the absent. Business affairs will not be encouraging. To see a closed gate, inability to overcome present difficulties is predicted. To lock one, denotes successful enterprises and well chosen friends. A broken one, signifies failure and discordant surroundings. To be troubled to get through one, or open it, denotes your most engrossing labors will fail to be remunerative or satisfactory. To swing on one, foretells you will engage in idle and dissolute pleasures.

Dream book of Vanga

Closed: An opportunity for you to decide upon. Open: The beginning of an opportunity to leave your current situation.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

Gate is the pass conducting from one world in another. They can symbolize new opportunities. This sign can belong and to a heavenly gate.


If you dream you say goodbye to someone at the gate, in real life you expect disappointment or loss. Seeing you in the gate one enters, heralds the news. What will be the news can be judged by appearance a guest. If he you is pleasant, then news will be happy. A man with an unpleasant appearance warns of negative news. To hear the creak the gate means that you somewhat alarmed.

Dream interpretation of Simon the Zealot

See or open - happy, but fragile marriage; closed - your proposal will be rejected.

Tsvetkov’s dream book

Humiliation gone all or part of the (half) - broke down the life of the son to go through - the humiliation.

Ukrainian Dream Book

The gate — humiliation.