Dream » G » Gates

Dream «Gates»

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

Gate is the pass conducting from one world in another. They can symbolize new opportunities. This sign can belong and to a heavenly gate.

Esoteric Dream Book

Open - Free road to ponder. Closed - imaginary obstacles that are actually there.


To dream that you pass through the gate, predicts disturbing news. In the business field of possible misunderstandings and missteps. See closed doors - meaning that you do not overcome these difficulties. Close gates - is a successful enterprise, good friends. Broken old gate promise failed and controversial circumstances. try to pass through the gate, or open them - it means that your efforts will fail. swinging on the gate - predicts that you will be involved in a useless vanity adventure. Alternative interpretation of what does it mean when you dream about gates

If the sleep you pass through any of the gates, in real life, you will soon receive disturbing news about the people who are now far away. Your personal files will also be developed not by what was intended scenario. Close the gates - a successful initiative and loyal friends. To dream closed someone gates means that you can not overcome the difficulties. Broken Gate is usually portend failure and dubious acquaintances.

Henry Rommel

Dreamed Gate — the symbol of the obstacles; closed - insurmountable difficulties.Open - lure belated success, but to pass or go through the new gate - to do a new thing for you, get a new job.Attempt to open the gate - a failure; to swing on the gate - a futile exercise.Old, broken - unfortunately in the family.If you are in a dream to open the gate, in reality eliminate someone's hurt; close - success in business, salvation from creditors.Sleep at the church gates - calm.

Kopalinskogo Dream Book

In the "Odyssey" Homer's Odyssey, Penelope said: "I dreamed the gate - one of the horns of other ivory. Those that are of ivory, we are lying, but the other gates tell fortunes truthful В».

Loff’s dream book

The gates are some pass break, within the boundaries of or access to the protected area, where the entrance is usually prohibited. The gates are open or closed? Did you have to open them, or they were open to you? Answers to these questions will show how possible solutions available to you in certain situations. What did you find at the gate? Building: the sacred and the forbidden and a safe and secure? Did you hit the gate with a man who has come to help to make some kind of ritual. Go through the gate with anyone - it means move to a qualitatively new stage of relations (good or bad). You were confused in the face open up opportunities or feel that you have something holding back on track to achieve the intended purpose? The gate can symbolize the potential progress, or at least the hope of it - depending on where they have caused.

Miller’s dream book

To dream that you pass through the gate, predicts alarming news. In the business field of possible misunderstandings and oversights. To see the closed gate - it means that you do not overcome these difficulties. Close the gates - is a successful enterprise, good friends. Broken old gate promise failed and controversial circumstances. Trying to get through the gates or open them - means that your efforts will fail. Swinging on the gate - predicts that you will be involved in a useless vanity adventure.

Dream interpretation of Simon the Zealot

Closed - you need to be energetic; open - Your life will be happy; opens with the force - will achieve luck.

Tsvetkov’s dream book

Obstacle; broke - in the family misfortune.

Ukrainian Dream Book

To shut the gates - to escape from harm.