The interpretation of the dream «Hieroglyphics»

A dream in which you clearly see in front of some mysterious characters, predicts that your half-hearted action in a crisis will lead to negative consequences and you lose the hard-won credibility. If you feel that you understand the written text and the characters it is easy to read - in reality you are bound to succeed in the performance of an extremely complex and challenging work.

Miller’s dream book

Seen in the dream characters are predicting that your half-hearted judgment on the vital issue can cause great distress and monetary loss. Be able to read hieroglyphics - means your future success in overcoming any difficulties.

Doubts about some vital Affairs will lead you to a large monetary loss and misfortune. If you are able to understand the characters, then you will be successful in overcoming some evil.

New family dream book

Seen in the dream characters are predicting that your half-hearted judgment can cause monetary loss. If you dream you have read hieroglyphics - in front of some success in overcoming obstacles.

Chinese dream book of Zhou-guna

Write characters, letters, writing poetry, text, letter. - A lot of luck, luck.

East female dream book

If you see characters, so some of life's circumstances plunged you into confusion, in this mood, you risk incurring large losses. Dreamed that you understand the meaning of hieroglyphs? The victory over the enemies you are guaranteed.

Modern dream book

If you dream you see the characters, some of life's circumstances have plunged into confusion, and therefore you run the risk of incurring large losses. If you dream that you understand the meaning of Chinese characters, you will be successful in the fight against evil.

Snotolkovatel (1829)

Seen in the dream characters are predicting that your half-hearted judgment on the vital issue can cause great distress and monetary loss.

To be able to read Chinese characters - means your future success in overcoming any difficulties.


True hieroglyphics in dreams are symbols and pictorial representations with hidden meanings, which connect us with a particular stream of knowledge that belongs to the Egyptians. Egyptian magic is a system of belief that gave access to the will of the divine and, once the symbology is understood, can greatly enhance our knowledge. The name originally meant sacred carvings. In dreams we will often register a symbol as being a hieroglyphic because it is an idea presented in pictorial form. It is only after conscious thought that the meaning becomes clear and is retained in memory. Hieroglyphics were developed before the written word and, therefore, often represent basic ideas. Practically, when a dream contains symbols it helps to work out what it looks like. We can then apply the relevance in everyday life. When we have a definite sense of Egypt about these symbols we probably need to access old knowledge to help us in waking life. Whether we choose to use ancient magic then is our choice. Also consult the entries for Mummy (Egyptian) and Magic/Magician.

Freud’s dream book

Dreaming of making an attempt to read the hieroglyphics or inscriptions on ancient Egyptian monuments is an augury of making a discovery that will bring you renown.

Nostradamus’s dream book

If you dream of seeing hieroglyphics it foretells that you will be experiencing many hardships as you try to figure out the right job or career for your personal advancement. If you are able to read, and make sense of them, you will be able to overcome many obstacles that are in your path.