To appear in a dream at the store where the widest range represented linoleum, means that scheduled for next weekend cultural event will be broken because of your illness. Choose and buy linoleum - in case you attempted to outline significant progress.
To bear the heavy roll of linoleum - you are lucky in the details, but the main fact experience a failure.
Lay new linoleum on the floor in bright colors and colorful patterns - regret inadvertently escaped unjust words expressed in the hearts of his beloved. Removing old linoleum, making the apartment overhaul, foretells that will fasten a new novel with an old acquaintance.
I dreamed that you need linoleum, and you can not select it because of the huge assortment - so ahead of you a stormy love affair.
Replacing the old to the new linoleum dream to significant events that would soon improve your life.
Dream caution: be careful on an open place!