Dream » M » Map

The interpretation of the dream «Map»

To dream of a map portends part in an exciting long journey. Hang on the wall of a large map of the world - a sign of the changes that await you in your activities, make new acquaintances and interesting proposals.

Road map on which you are trying to sleep bearings by facing disappointments, for which, however, may soon follow significant revenues. To dream of an old sea chart means that you no longer meet the company of colleagues, among whom you have not one true friend. <br /> See yourself chalkboard in front of the school map on which you can not find any geographical point - a sonvospominanie cause in your mind a flood of associations that will help you find the clue to solving one of the problems of today's time, so you gain a considerable success, having risen above his environment.

Tsvetkov’s dream book

Geographic — proposed road, a business proposal from a distance; someone is not worthy of your feelings.

Miller’s dream book

To dream map - means a change that will be taken by you in the affairs of. There may be a disappointment, but for the changes soon followed and also revenue growth. To dream that you are looking for a card means a sudden discontent your environment, which will fill you with new energy; this will give you the opportunity to rise to a higher level of well-being. The young woman this dream foretells that a strong ambition to help her climb into the higher spheres.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

Plan your journey - both external and internal.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

Time to take a trip like in the outside world and the inner.

Dream book of the Maya

Good znachenieEsli you dream that you are looking for a way to either map, you made the right decision and now the main thing - do not get off the road. To avoid this, find a dead animal bone, sharpen one end, before going to sleep for a week put on the card and turn the. Poor znachenieEsli you dreamed that you are looking for a card, you are standing at a crossroads and you have to choose which direction to go. In order not to make a mistake, draw a map on the bark and dig at the grave of a sailor.

Noble dream book of N. Grishina

Geographical kartyKartu geographical considered - to be an extraordinary event. Nautical charts - the money.

New family dream book

Map dreams for change in the affairs of. There may be a disappointment, but for the changes soon followed and also revenue growth. If you dream you are looking for a card that will soon manifest discontent with your surroundings. However, it will allow you to rise to a higher level of well-being. The young woman this dream foretells that a strong ambition will help her to be in the higher spheres.

Ancient Zedkielya dream book

In the dream, explore a map - a harbinger of what you'll be forced to leave their homeland, and many years of living in a foreign country, but in the end you get home. If you are considering a black and white card, then return pauper; and if it will be a bright colorful card, you will return very wealthy, which will provide you a happy old age. For a woman to dream that she was studying a map, her husband and sons will be great travelers.

East female dream book

See on the map or study it - to swift changes. For a young woman like a dream means that she will achieve status in society because of their ambitions and ambition.

Modern dream book

Arrest, imprisonment, nuisance.

Old Russian Dream Book

Geographic — proposed road, business offers afar, someone worthy of your feelings.

In the dream, explore a map - a harbinger of what you'll be forced to leave their homeland, and many years of living in a foreign country, but in the end you get home. If you are considering a black and white card, then return pauper; and if it will be a bright colorful card, you will return very wealthy, which will provide you a happy old age. For a woman to dream that she was studying a map, her husband and sons will be great travelers.

To dream map - means a change that will be taken by you in the affairs of. There may be a disappointment, but for the changes soon followed and also revenue growth. To dream that you are looking for a card means a sudden discontent your environment, which will fill you with new energy; this will give you the opportunity to rise to a higher level of well-being. The young woman this dream foretells that a strong ambition to help her climb into the higher spheres.

See - changes in business, temporary disappointment, but after - revenue growth;

Look for a map - unexpected discontent your surroundings will fill you with new energy and will give the opportunity to rise to a higher level of well-being;

For a young girl - a strong ambition to help you get up to the higher realms.

A dream in which you look at a map and study it means that soon there will be a change in your life, which, although material wealth will bring to your home is sure to sadden you.

If you dream you are looking for a map, then the growing discontent of the people around you make you make changes that will eventually fully justified.

For a young woman like a dream means that she will achieve status in society because of their ambitions and ambition.

Geographic map of the world - a journey, a long journey.

Snotolkovatel (1829)

To dream map - means a change that will be taken by you in the affairs of.

There may be a disappointment, but for the changes soon followed and also revenue growth.

To dream that you are looking for a card means a sudden discontent your environment, which will fill you with new energy; this will give you the opportunity to rise to a higher level of well-being.

The young woman this dream foretells that a strong ambition to help her climb into the higher spheres.

Dream book of lovers

Geographic map portends changes that positively affect your destiny. Dream on map snyaschiysya girl, means that it will be able to succeed because of their ambition. Perhaps it will enter into a marriage of convenience.


A map can obviously help us in our quest to find the spiritual way forward. It is worth remembering that though others can read the map for us, ultimately we must make the journey ourselves and, therefore, we are our own guides. When we first set out on the journey of discovery that makes us grow into capable human beings, we often need clarification of the way that we must undertake the journey. In dreams this often appears as a map, whether this is an old-fashioned map denoting perhaps out-of-date information, or a computer-generated one symbolizing that others have made the same journey. The direction we are being shown to take is important: i.e. forwards, backwards, left or right and we are often helped by the idea of having a course to follow. For a map to appear in a dream often indicates the clarification of the direction we should be taking in life. We may feel that we are lost and need something to indicate the way forward, particularly so far as ambition or motivation is concerned. A map that has already been used by other people would, therefore, indicate that we are capable of taking a direction and learning from those people. Consult the entry for Position for further clarification.

Hasse’s dream book

To dream of following a map means you are going in the right direction in a real life situation. It also symbolizes emotional and spiritual growth.


Happy journey.

Miller’s dream book

To dream card - is the changes that will be made by you in business. There may be disappointment, but for the changes will soon follow as and income growth. To dream that you are looking for a map, meaning a sudden discontent your environment that will fill you with new energy; this will give you the opportunity to rise to a higher level of well-being. The young woman, this dream foretells that a strong ambition will help her climb into the higher spheres.

Dream interpretation of Simon the Zealot

Happy journey.

Ukrainian Dream Book

World Map Geographic - a journey for a long journey.