Dream » M » Mountain

Dream «Mountain»

Mountain — a reflection of hope.

Modern dream book

If in a dream you see the mountain in the distance, in real life you do not set before yourself the unattainable purposes. If thus you admire beauty of mountains, your serene look on life and on problems quite often helped you with difficult situations. The dream in which you rise by the mountain, symbolizes overcoming of difficulties. If dreamed you that you managed to climb up mountain top, in reality you will manage to overcome all arisen difficulties. If for any reason you did not reach top, in real life on your way to the purpose there will be unforeseen circumstances.

Esoteric Dream Book

To see – will conceive new the enterprise which will be successful.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

Attainable aim or opportunity. Climbing the mountain testifies to your movement towards the purpose. Niskhozhdeniye from the mountain – a removal symbol from the purpose.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

The mountain – a symbol of an attainable aim or opportunity. Ascension on mountains testifies to your movement towards the purpose. Niskhozhdeniye from the mountain – a removal symbol from the purpose.

Dream book of the Maya

Good value

If the top of the mountain is covered with snow, people around will appreciate you soon. Every morning mix the beaten egg white with coffee and drink this drink.

Noble dream book of N. Grishina

Before itself to see the mountain - a big obstacle, the forthcoming works.

Ancient Zedkielya dream book

If dreams you that you rise by the abrupt rocky mountain, this dream means that your life will be filled with a hard work and many grieves. all your attempts to achieve for itself the best fate will fail under pressure of unforeseen circumstances. also there are fears that you will never be able to rise because of disasters which will fall upon you if only you do not cultivate in yourself patience and the philosophical relation to the events thanks to which you will overcome everything.

Chinese dream book of Zhou-guna

You get in the mountain. – There will be a success in all affairs.

East female dream book

The dream in which you rise by the mountain, symbolizes overcoming of difficulties. To rise uphill – to sufferings. To climb down a mountain – to end of the difficult period in life.

Aesop’s dream book

This symbol is directly connected with a set of fairy tales and legends. According to ancestors of the mountain concealed in themselves secret forces and served as a haven for the owners. Many considered that in mountains treasures which are inaccessible to people are stored, and bring misfortune to those who moves off in their searches. For those who lived near mountains, there were forbidden places to which it was not allowed to go not to trouble spirits.

Tsvetkov’s dream book

The naked – alarm;

Children's Dream Book

Mountain — it's time to think about what you do good for yourself and the people in the last period, and start making plans for the future.

Lunar Dream Book

In mountain climbing - success; down - failure.

Snotolkovatel (1829)

A mountain in a dream to see - marks the obstacle in the affairs of; ascend the mountain - a vain labor and effort in the empty and difficult enterprise, and adverse travel; go to the mountains - is a sign of success in unimportant insignificant enterprise.

Solomon’s dream book

High mountains - the hard work; reach the top - to overcome obstacles.

Medieval dream book of Daniil

Climb up the hill - to the works or to anxiety.

Down from the mountain - to the joy and fun.

Climbing the mountain - the good.


Representing the centre of our existence in earthly terms, the mountain is an image that can be worked on over and over again. It represents the higher, more spiritual aspects of the personality. We all have difficulties to face in life. Often it is how we face those difficulties that is important. The symbol of the mountain offers many alternatives and choices, such as whether to choose the apparently easier route or the more difficult. This means we can work out, through dreams, our best course of action in everyday life. In dream sequences the mountain usually appears in order to symbolize an obstacle that needs to be overcome. By daring to climb the mountain we challenge our own inadequacies and free ourselves from fear. To reach the top is to achieve our goal. To fall down the mountain indicates carelessness and that we should perhaps consider our actions more carefully. Also consult the entry for Hill for more information.

Hasse’s dream book

If you dream of a mountain and you are at the top, it symbolizes the feeling that you have arrived and accomplished your goal. If you are at the bottom, you must prepare for a challenging task that lies ahead.

Miller’s dream book

For a young woman to dream of crossing a mountain in company with her cousin and dead brother, who was smiling, denotes she will have a distinctive change in her life for the better, but there are warnings against allurements and deceitfulness of friends. If she becomes exhausted and refuses to go further, she will be slightly disappointed in not gaining quite so exalted a position as was hoped for by her. If you ascend a mountain in your dreams, and the way is pleasant and verdant, you will rise swiftly to wealth and prominence. If the mountain is rugged, and you fail to reach the top, you may expect reverses in your life, and should strive to overcome all weakness in your nature. To awaken when you are at a dangerous point in ascending, denotes that you will find affairs taking a flattering turn when they appear gloomy.

Dream book of Vanga

On top: Sense of having arrived or having accomplished something. Below: Prepare for a challenging effort needed to over come a problem or situation.

Azar’s dream book

Mountains to wander in mountains a desperate grief

Erotic dream book of Danilova

Rise uphill on a footpath – an excellent sign. Your affairs and really "will go uphill": you are expected by new hobby which will capture you completely, will dip into the sea of love and passion. You will tower in the opinion of darling that will give you huge pleasure. If you climb down a mountain or that is even worse, slide from it, you are expected by severe losses. Perhaps, will be disappointed in you and will want to break off the relations.

Hasse’s dream book

Mountainous landscape – without big efforts to benefit. Watch also Mountains

Russian Dream Book

To climb up upward – to big failures, difficulties, a heavy strip in life;

Esoteric Dream Book

Feeling - surprised and amazed. To wake up with tears - will suddenly pleased.

Freud’s dream book

If you dream you heard the sound of a bugle, it means in your life soon there will be something that will make people forget you of his affairs and responsibilities, and to plunge into the maelstrom of love bliss and passion. Are you the first time this happens, so your perception of what is going to be very, very emotional. Himself playing the horn - the dream suggests that you drive to your alcove for too much attention. Do not forget that someone else's success often causes irritation and envy. Few can really happy for you. But in fact, talk about it is not considered the rules of etiquette, in any case, better to keep back, than to cover all the details of what happens to you in bed.


See - get protection, to walk on them to rise up - the difficulties and obstacles, treeless - infidelity, with the ruins of - winning, fire-breathing - a great danger, to the mountains - to avoid ambush, with snowy peaks - lofty intentions, naked - anxiety; to be surrounded by mountains - to use his abilities; to ascend, and not have the strength to go further - your enterprise, high - hard work, sorrow, to reach the top - to be happy.

Henry Rommel

Mount dream — a sense of foreshadowing of impending danger, threat well-being awake.Seeing the grief of others - a sign that you overcome setbacks and learn about troubles at your loved ones.Feel sorrow for no apparent reason - to minor ailments.

Islamic dream interpretation

To see the mountain is the great king with a heart of stone. If someone sees that he is walking on top of the mountain, the mountain is a proof of a person's career, which saw a dream, and in accordance with the height of the vision in a dream mountain, it reaches more or less exalted position.

Loff’s dream book

The mountains can symbolize the greatness of the danger or the holy land. You might just like to be in the mountains, and for this reason you can see them in my sleep. Mountains can instill in you a sense of love for nature, life and the feeling of rebirth. Sometimes you need to cross the mountain, whether by choice or because you were there as a result is not always clear chain of circumstances. You have to remember who you were saying goodbye to the beginning of the campaign, why did you decide to leave and that he expects to meet in the mountains of your dreams. For a long time the top of the mountain was taken as an idiomatic picture of all the best that life has to offer. Whether you're in search of something, or feel the impossibility of success in any field of real life, or in something you have reached the summit?.

Miller’s dream book

To dream that heavy mountain falls on you and binds your power, foretells that you fatally approaching some catastrophe. To see other in grief - it means that you will fall down a lot of failures.

Russian Dream Book


Dream interpretation of Simon the Zealot

See - get protection, to walk on them to rise up - the difficulties and obstacles, treeless - infidelity, with the ruins of - winning, fire-breathing - a great danger, to the mountains - to avoid ambush, with snowy peaks - lofty intentions, naked - anxiety; to be surrounded by mountains - to use his abilities; to ascend, and not have the strength to go further - your enterprise, high - hard work, sorrow, to reach the top - to be happy.

Tsvetkov’s dream book

Bare — alarm; wooded - infidelity; Climbing - a success if vlezesh; see - difficulties; down - a failure; climb the hill to the patient - recovery (long climb - very serious illness).

Ukrainian Dream Book

Dream of the mountain - a mountain, bad trouble. Bare Mountain - anxiety, wooded isms. As a dream that you climb the mountain, it anticipated sadness; how you will get out and go to the mountain - is good: a man got out of a bit of grief; and if you climb the hill and you will get out - it'll be in misery: a mountain to climb - the difficulty is that you have to do, and how you will get out, it is already good; climb the mountain, it must be some kind of grief, but as a tree - is growing up; down from the mountain - a failure. Stone on the road (path) uphill - obstacles. Guides on the mountain from the precipice - to the unhappy marriage.