Dream » M » Movie

Dream «Movie»

If you dream you go to the movies, it happens to you in reality an amazing event, in which, when you tell it to friends and acquaintances, no one will believe. Watch a movie in his sleep on the TV or VCR foretells that you will spend a lot of money on expensive but absolutely joyless pleasure. See yourself in a dream heroine of a movie means that your opinion of yourself at odds with that impression, what you make on those around her manners and behavior. If you dream you remove the tape in his new famous film director and you are spinning popular among movie stars of world cinema - in reality you will be disappointed about the most mundane things.

Loff’s dream book

What plan you watch the movie and with whom? If it is one of the most remembered dream moments, perhaps, you try, looking at their image, to give an impetus to the relations or to resolve a problem at the level of relationship. The main idea of the movie often specifies how to make it. Even if the movie is absurdity or the picture abounding with destruction scenes, your SUBCONSCIOUSNESS, being guided by your some constant desires, chose such option of succession of events. Perhaps, you are in a condition of search in your everyday life which find too ordinary. Who showed the most attractive (repellent) events of the movie and how such events correspond to your real life?

Tsvetkov’s dream book

Be the one in the movie - most long journey; the details of the film are the details of the trip, to be with someone in the movie - the guests from afar, legally dangerous.

Esoteric Dream Book

Had a dream that you are part of the movie - get ready for a fun adventure or a trip. Watch a movie - dreams and plans will not be achieved. See theater - get support in the implementation of plans, there will be like-minded.


To dream that you are watching a movie, suggests that you are watching life pass you by. Perhaps you are living vicariously through the actions of others. Consider also how the movie parallels to situations in your waking life. Observe how the characters relate to you and how they may represent an aspect of yourself.

To dream that you are playing a role in the movie, foretells that something from your unconscious is about to emerge or be revealed. It may also represent memories of images or scenes from your past. Alternatively, the dream may be pointing you toward a new role that you might be undertaking. Your unconscious is psychologically preparing you for this new role.

To dream that the movie screen is blank, suggests that you are feeling excluded in some situation. You are feeling lonely and sad.

Hasse’s dream book

To dream that you are watching a movie suggests that you are watching life pass you by. Perhaps you are living vicariously through others. If you dream that you are playing a role in the movie, something from your unconscious is about to be revealed. It can also mean you are getting ready to play a new role in your life and go down a new path. Movies in dreams may also represent memories or scenes from your past.


What is the plan for a movie you are watching, and from whom? If it is one of the most memorable moments of sleep, maybe you try looking at their image, to give impetus to relations or to resolve the problem at the level of the relationship. The main idea of ​​the film is often indicates how to do it. Even if the film is absurd, or painting, replete with scenes of destruction, then your subconscious mind, guided by some of your constant desire, chose just such a scenario. You may be able to search in your everyday life that are too mundane. By showing the most attractive (repulsive) events of the film and how these events relate to your real life?.

Loff’s dream book

What is the plan for a movie you are watching, and from whom? If it is one of the most memorable moments of sleep, maybe you try looking at their image, to give impetus to relations or to resolve the problem at the level of the relationship. The main idea of ​​the film is often indicates how to do it. Even if the film is absurd, or painting, replete with scenes of destruction, then your subconscious mind, guided by some of your constant desire, chose just such a scenario. You may be able to find in your everyday life that are too mundane. By showing the most attractive (repulsive) events of the film and how these events relate to your real life?.