Dream » P » Pan

The interpretation of the dream «Pan»

Pan from mythology - a reflection of nature, joy, light-heartedness.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

Something that you prepare; perhaps, care.


As always, any receptacle suggests the containing Feminine Principle, usually the nurturing side. A pot can have the same spiritual significance as a jar. Just as a cauldron can be taken to indicate the transformative process, so a pan or pot can symbolize the ability to combine several ?ingredients? to make something completely different. This can apply under any circumstances. In dreams a pan or a pot signifies nurturing and caring. It can also suggest a receptive frame of mind. In a woman's dream it will depend upon what stage of life she has reached as to the symbolism of pans. The three stages of femininity of Maid, Mother and Crone or Wise Woman are recognizable. In a man's dream a pan is more likely to represent his attitude to the feminine. You might like to consult the entries for Cauldron and Jar for further clarification.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

The pan contains food. The pan can be made of metal, glass or ceramics. The pan contains all ingredients which support you in life. Of what your life consists? We grow up a plant in a pot that it started up a root and was where we want. Whether it is necessary to provide growth to the project on which you now work?

East female dream book

If you make a lunch, using thus at once some pans, so you seek to get on well at life as much as possible. The young woman the dream in which she cannot find for a pan of the cover suitable by the size, warns: at that very moment, when she will believe in the lucky star, there will be a certain event which will upset her plans.

Esoteric Dream Book

Pure, brilliant – to cold, cold.

Modern dream book

If in a dream you make a lunch, using thus at once some pans, in reality you seek to get on well at life as much as possible. If thus something is impossible to you, from pans something runs away, something burns slightly and so on, you are overcome by doubts concerning, whether you will cope with the conceived. The dream in which you see empty pans as after it it is not necessary to count on good luck is adverse. For the young woman the dream in which she cannot find the cover suitable by the size for a pan, means that in real life at that very moment when she believes in the lucky star, there will be a certain event which will upset her plans.

Noble dream book of N. Grishina

To see a pan, a bowl - profit.

Russian Dream Book

Unplanned work which will make profit

Tsvetkov’s dream book

On fire – happiness in the house;

Azar’s dream book

Gossip, false.

Culinary Dream Book

Fry in dream anything on the pan - received orders to complete 24 hours produced the case.

Esoteric Dream Book

The pure, brilliant - a runny nose, colds. sooty old - to weather, rain. Leaky, thin - will have to adjust their plans because of the rain, bad weather, public holidays go mourning days.


Entangled in gossip.

Henry Rommel

See yourself with a frying pan in hands or fry anything in the pan in a dream - in reality be forced to rush completion of the case.Otherwise competitors can stop you.This dream may have attitude and personal life.

Hasse’s dream book

Your circumstances are satisfactory.

Russian Dream Book

Entangled in gossip and lies.

Dream interpretation of Simon the Zealot

Entangled in gossip.

Tsvetkov’s dream book

On the fire - happiness in the house, boiling over the edge - domestic squabbles, loss, scrubbing - happiness in the house.