Dream » Q » Quest

The interpretation of the dream «Quest»


Undertaking a spiritual quest in order to understand our place in the world and the pursuit of spiritual knowledge is a way of developing our own personal attributes. Often, the trials and tribulations we have to go through in achieving something we feel to be important are translated in dreams into a quest or search. The way these events are faced is as important as the actual achievement itself. Many fairy stories and mythological tales have as their main theme the search for something rare or magical (e.g. Jason and the Argonauts). Such themes can be translated into dreams in a personally applicable way. We eventually find the rare and magical within ourselves. The Hero's Quest for both men and women is a fundamental pattern of human experience which can appear in many guises in dreams. It is a rite of passage and usually signifies some kind of initiation. To be searching for something usually indicates that we are aware that we must undertake a frightening task in order to progress. Also consult the entries for Hero/Heroine, Initiation, Knight, Rescue, Search and Task.


Search for an object is constantly changing his place, can vexing, but the finding may be a pleasant surprise. To determine the value of dreaming about finding something important it ends the story by finding the object or not. If the dream ends successfully Importantly, or anyone you were looking for and how these objects have been found. Think of the connection that exists between the subject and those who helped him to find (if that person was). In many cases, an object that is lost represents an area of ​​life, in which we feel inept and incompetent. The search for him in the company of others may be a clue that should seek wise counsel to resolve the situation. 48-year-old man told his dream: I'm looking for the keys to his car and never Motu to find them. I turn everything in the house upside down, yelling at his wife and generally go out of myself. My daughter is not at home, and I'm starting all over blame her. Suddenly her friend comes and advises to look at the castle door. That's what I do. My keys there. This dream about finding interesting because of its detailed story man showed how much he cares about the fact that his daughter drives a car. The feeling of loss of control over the life of their daughter absorbed much of his emotional energy. After clarification of the meaning of this dream, he realized that the cause of the majority of domestic conflict was his own concern, not a real defiance on the part of the daughter. Worked out an understanding of sleep, leading to normalization of relations with her daughter and, as a consequence, to the world of the family. Dream about search ended unsuccessfully, as a rule, illustrates the need to heal the emotional trauma. The object may be unsuccessful search for an object or a person. By common variant dream of finding a man are a crying child who can not find, the pursuit of a fugitive whose whereabouts can not be determined, or the receipt of a message that can not be answered Such dreams can dream during periods of prolonged emotional recession caused by an extraordinary event, for example, death of a loved person. Another scenario unsuccessful search is fruitless search for a place or object. For example, in a dream you can have a plan that does not lead anywhere, or perhaps you can not find the object after it left on the table. Dreams of this kind can help to gain an understanding of the purpose of your life and how well you implement them. If you often dream such dreams, perhaps you should check the agreement you together your goals and behavior, or are they mutually exclusive.

Loff’s dream book

Search for an object constantly changing their place may vexing, but the discovery could be a pleasant surprise. To determine the value of dreaming about finding something important, the story ends with finding the object or not. If the dream ends successfully, it is important to note that you, or someone looking for and how these objects have been found. Think of the connection that exists between the subject and those who helped him to find (if that person was). In many cases, an object that is lost represents an area of ​​life in which we feel inept and incompetent. The search for him in the company of others may be a clue that should seek wise counsel to resolve the situation. 48-year-old man told his dream: I'm looking for the keys to his car and never Motu find them. I turn everything in the house upside down, yelling at his wife and generally lose my temper. My daughter is not at home, and I'm starting all over blame her. Suddenly he enters and tells her friend to look at the castle door. That's what I do. My keys there. This dream about finding interesting because of its detailed story man showed how much he cares about the fact that his daughter drives a car. The feeling of loss of control over the life of their daughter absorbed much of his emotional energy. After clarification of the meaning of this dream, he realized that the cause of the majority of domestic conflict was his own concern, not a real defiance on the part of the daughter. Worked out an understanding of sleep, leading to normalization of relations with her daughter and, as a consequence, to the world of the family. Dream about search ended unsuccessfully, as a rule, illustrates the need to heal the emotional trauma. The object may be unsuccessful search for an object or a person. By common variant dream of finding a man are a crying child who can not find, the pursuit of a fugitive whose whereabouts can not be determined, or the receipt of a message that can not be answered Such dreams can dream during periods of prolonged emotional recession caused by an extraordinary event, for example, death of a loved person. Another scenario unsuccessful search is fruitless search for a place or object. For example, in a dream you can have a plan that does not lead anywhere, or perhaps you can not find the object after it left on the table. Dreams of this kind can help to gain an understanding of the purpose of your life and how well you implement them. If you often dream such dreams, perhaps you should check whether the agreement is between your goals and behavior, or are they mutually exclusive.


Dreaming you are on a quest can mean you are open to more adventure and meaningful challenge in your life, or possibly to be of more service to others (especially if the purpose of the quest in the dream is to help someone else).

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