The interpretation of the dream «Restriction»

Dream book of the Yellow Emperor

Primary elements – a tree, fire, the earth, metal, water. Elements – a wind, heat, humidity, dryness, cold. Emotions – anger, pleasure, thoughtfulness, grief, fear. Bodies – a liver, heart, a spleen, lungs, kidneys, a stomach, a gall bladder, a bladder, a small intestine, a thick gut. PlanetsMercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus. Everything in the world has the internal contents and external expression form, one without another is senseless: the internal cannot work in a material world without material form; an external form without contents – a lifeless shadow. The restriction/impossibility of movement/shout – indicates the need realization internal in external as without finding the movement purpose, internal starts destroying itself. Dreams with restriction of the movement, shout dream children and teenagers when at a certain stage of development there is a need to coordinate internal personal rhythms with world around rhythms more often. Without such coordination self-expression and relationship with people around is impossible. But skill to self-expression still is not present, and heavy process of production of the general rhythm is reflected in dreams. The similar state can be at any critical age (for the woman – every 7 years, for the man – through everyone 8) and in any difficult situation. Interruption of a rhythm of a current (movement) of energy is similar to tetanus. Psychologically it is possible to get to such state, having fallen under the power of some one unbalanced emotion: in a normal rhythm of life anger, pleasure, thoughtfulness, grief, fear it is unstoppable run on a chain, pushing each other and without allowing the next emotion to form in an organism power stagnation. In an abnormal state some emotion stiffens on a face that attracts an illness of appropriate authority. Restriction/impossibility of the movement / any action in a dream – restriction of realization of internal state of the yin in external yan-actions. To test restriction/impossibility of the movement in a dream (it is necessary to run, but it is impossible as feet do not obey) – means that there are violations in work of a spleen (the emotion which stiffened on a face thus – thoughtfulness). The spleen badly controls blood, internal the yin bodies deprived opportunities to receive from each other signals and to coordinate the actions. The body does not know whom to obey and what externally to express, there comes the depression similar to tetanus which physical image is realized in a dream with movement restrictions. The dream indicates a difficult transition period in life, indicates a situation when it is necessary to find forces to overcome tetanus: in a dream it is necessary to try to move, in life to look for a rhythm. The dream, with a high probability, will repeat and will reflect the happened changes. It is also necessary to treat a spleen. To test restriction/impossibility of voice/shout – the same, as in the first case, but loading will fall not on a spleen, and on lungs, the emotion muffling the general rhythm – grief, grief. Both options of a dream are adverse and indicate organism exhaustion, a depression and disbelief in the forces if opportunity to move or cry is not found in a dream. Affairs and communication with people will be adverse as will misunderstand snovidets or will not hear at all. If snovidets in a dream found forces to move/cry – both the interpretation described above are favorable and correspond to an active season that points to creation of a favorable rhythm of expression of the internal yin state through the external yan-movement. Internal forces are, and desires for their realization too are, it is necessary to make systematic efforts to strike the right note. Then mood, the relations with people and troubles in affairs will improve as at coinciding rhythms people take of each other the hint, without having desire to contradict each other.