Dream » S » Shells

The interpretation of the dream «Shells»

If you dream you are collecting shells, then waking your carefree attitude towards life will bring you a lot of problems, as you bitterly regret it later.

Esoteric Dream Book

In the water, the sand - small annoying interference in the work of the enterprise or. Nisa - you prevent unnecessary fuss to the business, if nizhete for yourself and someone else, whether another. Collect - to invent problems and then fight them.

Covered with barnacles or algae shallows portend well-being and contentment, because you spent efforts will be filled with hope. If you dream of desert flats, this dream foretells loss, entailing depression and mental confusion. If you dream that roaming the shallows, you collect shells - it promises you the trouble because of the extravagance and passion for excess. Bitter remorse and regret about wasted time waiting for you.

If you dream you are collecting shells, then waking your carefree attitude towards life will bring you a lot of problems, as you bitterly regret it later.

Miller’s dream book

Covered with barnacles or algae shallows portend well-being and contentment, because you spent efforts will be filled with hope. If you dream of desert flats, this dream foretells loss, entailing depression and mental confusion. If you dream that roaming the shallows, you collect shells - it promises you the trouble because of the extravagance and passion for excess. Bitter remorse and regret about wasted time waiting for you.

East female dream book

A dream in which you collect seashells, warns: your carefree attitude towards life will cause a lot of problems - as it was not necessary then bitterly regret what happened.

Snotolkovatel (1829)

Covered with barnacles or algae shallows portend well-being and contentment, because you spent efforts will be filled with hope.

If you dream about deserted sandbank, this dream foretells loss, entailing depression and mental confusion.

If you dream that roaming the shallows, you collect shells - it promises you the trouble because of the extravagance and passion for excess. Bitter remorse and regret about wasted time waiting for you.

Dream book of lovers

A dream in which you see the shells, foretells that you will be able to achieve the chosen love and be happy. However, collecting shells in a dream - a bad sign that promises solitude.


Spiritually a shell is a miniature representation of the process of life and death. A shell carries within it a great deal of symbolism. It can be seen as a magical symbol which holds within it the power of transformation. The spiral of the shell suggests both going inwards and coming outwards. The ability to shelter is also symbolized, and as a receptacle it also links with the feminine, emotional side of nature. In dreams a shell represents the defences we use in order to prevent ourselves from being hurt. We can create a hard shell in response to previous hurt, or a soft shell, which would indicate that we are still open to being hurt. Shells were also once a unit of currency and in dreams can still be seen as this. You might also like to consult the entry for Snail as well as the information for Spiral in Shapes and on Transformation in the Introduction.

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