Dream » T » Tomatoes

The interpretation of the dream «Tomatoes»

If you dream that you eat tomatoes, you will be given good health.

If you dreamed of tomatoes growing in the garden, then this dream promises joy.

For a young woman to dream of ripe tomatoes - for an early successful marriage.

Miller’s dream book

See ripe tomatoes - a young girl this dream foretells future happy family union. There are tomatoes - is a sign of your physical recovery. To see how to grow tomatoes - this dream means that your married life will be filled with happiness and joy.

Tsvetkov’s dream book

Secret love.

Hasse’s dream book

In your life will attend secret love. Tomato was immature - this means that out of your senses will come of nothing good. Juicy, ripe - secret alliance can become evident and conquer all obstacles in its path.

Old Russian Dream Book

Secret love.

If you eat tomatoes in a dream - then you are recovering. Growing tomatoes promise you happiness and joy in family life. If a girl sees in a dream ripe tomatoes - so she will be happy in marriage.

There are tomatoes - you are recovering;

Growing tomatoes — the happiness, the joy of family life;

For girls — see ripe tomatoes - you'll be happy in marriage.

If you dream that you eat tomatoes, you will be given good health.

If you dreamed of tomatoes growing in the garden, then this dream promises joy.

For a young woman to dream of ripe tomatoes - for an early successful marriage.

Seeing red tomatoes in a dream-bad. Tomatoes - shame, something will have to blush. If you dream of ripe tomatoes - the disease. Tomatoes - secret love, passionate love.

Snotolkovatel (1829)

If you eat tomatoes in a dream - it means. You are recovering.

Growing tomatoes promise you happiness and joy in family life.

If a girl sees in a dream ripe tomatoes - so she will be happy in marriage.

Dream book of lovers

Dreamed about growing tomatoes - a good sign, heralding the success and happiness in family life. A girl who dreamed of ripe tomatoes, is happily married.


If you eat tomatoes in a dream - then you are recovering. Growing tomatoes promise you happiness and joy in family life. If a girl sees in a dream ripe tomatoes - so she will be happy in marriage. There are tomatoes in a dream - a sign of good health. See the tomatoes growing in the garden - it is a symbol of happiness and joy. A dream in which a young woman sees ripe tomatoes, she predicts happiness in marriage.


If you eat tomatoes in a dream - it means. You are recovering. Growing tomatoes promise you happiness and joy in family life. If a girl sees in a dream ripe tomatoes - so she will be happy in marriage. Alternative interpretation of what does it mean when you dream about tomatoes

If you had a dream that you eat tomatoes, then You will be given to good health. If you had a tomato growing on a bed, then this dream promises fun. For a young woman to dream of ripe tomatoes - for an early successful marriage.

Miller’s dream book

If you are in a dream eating tomatoes - it means. You are recovering. Growing tomatoes promise you happiness happiness in family life. If a girl sees in a dream ripe tomatoes - so she will be happy in marriage.

Dream interpretation of Simon the Zealot

Secret love.

Ukrainian Dream Book

To see the red tomatoes in a dream -ploho. Tomatoes - shame, have from something blush. If you dream of ripe tomatoes - disease. Tomatoes - secret love, passionate love.

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