Dream » B » Book

Dream «Book»


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A book, particularly a sacred one such as the Bible or Koran, signifies hidden or sacred knowledge. Any religious book in dreams presupposes some kind of spiritual realization or some knowledge gained. It represents our need to look into the realms of sacred or arcane knowledge or for reassurance that we are going in the right direction. Intellectually, we are searching in our dreams for ways which will help us to handle what happens in our lives. We will need to look very carefully at our religious beliefs, myths and legends, and decide what relevance they have for us. Many systems of belief have long held to there being a book in which all our deeds are recorded, and for which we are accountable. Our search for knowledge and the ability to learn from other peoples experience and opinions is symbolized in dreams by books and libraries. To dream of old books represents inherited wisdom and spiritual awareness. If we dream of a Bible or other religious book it usually means that we are aware of traditional moral standards. We need a code of conduct that helps us to survive. To dream of account books indicates the need or ability to look after our own resources, practical and otherwise. You may also like to consult the entry for Reading for further clarity.

Hasse’s dream book

Opening a new book means starting a new chapter in one's life. Dreaming of finding a book in an open area can represent being open to new ideas and religious feelings. Children's books in dreams symbolize memories from childhood. This dream may also suggest your desire to escape from reality and retreat into some fantasy world. Also see Library.

Nostradamus’s dream book

If books were the main theme of your dream the situation in your life is stable and you will make slow, steady progress to the top of your chosen profession. look to the other symbols in your dream to tell you in what context you should place the book, or books, in relation to your own life situation, bear in mind that the action associated with books is progress.

Dream book of Vanga

Knowledge to be revealed.

Chinese dream book of Zhou-guna

On a little table the book lies. – You will be given then new assignment, promotion.

Dream book of the Maya

Good value

The book is written in unknown language — this dream says that soon you learn a lot of new and will manage to put this knowledge into practice. That there were no difficulties, take any book and strew each its page with coarse salt or ground coffee then clean the book under a pillow for 3 days.

Dream book of the Yellow Emperor

Primary elements – a tree, fire, metal, the earth, water.

Dream book of Vanga

In a dream this symbol means wisdom, knowledge, anticipation.

East female dream book

You hold the book in hand and read inscriptions in language unfamiliar to you – means, you will open in yourself the abilities hidden till this moment. To see the book with the broken-off pages – to adoption of the precipitate decision. The dream in which you receive the book as a gift, speaks about your wisdom and insight. Perhaps, even you do not guess it.

Esoteric Dream Book

To read – a spiritual eminence, growth.

Miller’s dream book

Pleasant aspirations, occupations, honor, respect and wealth – here that means to dream that you consider or read books. For the author to dream that his works go to the press – a dream prevention: it will have many troubles on the way of its books to the reader.

Modern dream book

If in a dream you read books, in reality the glory, honor and respect are provided to you. The same value has a dream in which you deliberate over sense of the read. For the author to dream about the work by the published means that the way of its book to the reader will not be a lung. The dream in which you see the reading children, means that young people with whom you should communicate, will appear worthy representatives of the generation. To dream means old books that you should be careful of the evil in any its manifestation. The bookcase filled with books symbolizes that your work and leisure will be connected with knowledge acquisition. Empty book shelves foretell a distress due to the lack of means of livelihood or loss of work. If dreamed you that you are in bookstore, you are fated to come under influence of inspiration.

New family dream book

Dream in which you consider or read the book, foretells pleasant aspirations, occupations, honor, respect and wealth.

Noble dream book of N. Grishina

Books, reading

Russian Dream Book

To read – it is necessary to prove the case;

Tsvetkov’s dream book

To read – negadanny messages;

Vedic dream book of Shivananda

To dream about the book – a good sign. Your future life will be very pleasant. If books dream the woman, her son will be very educated.

Esoteric Dream Book

Read more - spiritual elevation, height. Scrolling - to learn, to acquire knowledge. For students - admission to the university. Find, take, steal - receive very important information, to make a discovery, a doctrine. Tear lose - your work will appreciate the merits celebrate.


Adream in which you see the student's book, written in an even beautiful handwriting reminds you that patience and a little effort. Do not despair, you all will certainly succeed. The main thing is not to rush and in good faith to perform their duties. To dream sloppy book means that you it's time to bring their affairs in order. Otherwise, success will pass you side.

Henry Rommel

See the net book lying on the table - to get acquainted with a man for whom you will become a friend and mentor; may arise between you and a stronger sense.Completed book entries - to ask questions about kakom- the people.Write in the notebook - the need to analyze a lot, before deciding on any action.

Miller’s dream book

Pleasant aspirations, class, honor, respect and wealth - that's what it means to dream that you are considering, or reading a book. For an author to dream that his works are in print - a dream-warning: it will have a lot of trouble in the way of his books to the reader. To dream that you spend a lot of time and effort to the detection of the hidden meaning of texts learned authors, is a sign of honors and awards earned you a long labor. Seeing children in the books say about the future of harmony and good behavior of young people. To dream of old books - a warning to beware of evil in any form.

Dream interpretation of Simon the Zealot

To buy, see, read - success work, news, introduction; last - the loss of a friend.

Tsvetkov’s dream book

Read — unexpectedly lead, flipping, see - a new acquaintance, tear - forgetting something, look at a book - a good thing, a lot of books - a lot of things; burning - to lose a friend.

Ukrainian Dream Book

Read Books — remuneration in the library to read - a surprise; to see how the burn - loss of hope, friends to buy - good. ledger - deception.

Dream book of Vanga

In the dream this symbol means wisdom, knowledge, foresight. Here is a huge shelves filled with books, a lot of them, and you did not choose the right. This dream means that in real life you have difficulty in choosing their way of life.


Information, understanding, or solutions

Expression or communication (as the book is an expression of the author)

The topic of the book, or class or area of study that it represents

Reading or studying in real life

Entertainment or relaxation

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