The interpretation of the dream «Getting lost in the woods»

Blasphemy; in the city - a difficult case.

Well-being, health.

Dream book of the Yellow Emperor

Primary elements — wood. Elements - wind. Emotions - anger. Organs - the liver, gall bladder. Planet Jupiter. Explanation and interpretation of the Forest - it's walking around the surrounding trees and even green. Tree - a symbol of the rebirth of life and coming from the east of Spring. In a healthy state, one obtains the necessary energy to it by nature, not focusing attention on this. When the correct flow of qi in the body is distorted (illness), the body activates the process of getting the right kind of energy to it. When the emptiness of human liver dream forest. The emptiness of the liver characterized by the fact that the person does not want to see anyone (no power to look at people communicate), but in the dream is born the image of the forest (wood, foliage, the desire to look at the greens - this is consistent with the ratio of the primary elements, colors and senses). Man tries to fill itself through the images corresponding to the bodies in a state of emptiness: the eyes can not see - creates an image of the forest, greenery, the body is immobilized in a vacuum - in a dream sensation of movement, walking. Forest / walk in the forest / grove and so on - to recover their strength, to take energy from nature. To walk in his sleep in the forest - favorably, it is an independent attempt to return to normal health through soothing and smoothing the internal state in communion with nature. Illness or fatigue did not affect the will to move, all the rest will follow. Getting lost in the woods - the world is unpredictable and mysterious, and the man is just a small part of the world that pride often prevents him realize. Getting lost in the woods - to understand their relationship and interdependence with the natural world. Involved, depending on the behavior of a lost during sleep may be all body systems. All possible states: relaxed, helplessness or active attempts recognition, panic or pleasure in the unexpected loneliness. Getting lost in the woods, without feeling fear and panic - see themselves as part of the World. This understanding brings peace of mind to disappear controversy and resentment, erased the concept of injustice (nature allegedly cheated a bit). Lost and, slowly and carefully, looking around at all the happy, go through the forest - a positive, eliminate the internal contradictions will bring health, wealth, success in business. Son meets spring season. Getting lost in the woods with panic and attempts to escape without attention to the environment, the fear of the forest, it is an internal inconsistency / unawareness of being part of the world, the fear of any changes to distrust others and to life. Trying to break out of the forest in a dream - a desire to keep the same familiar things, despite the obvious contradictions and lack of success, the desire of world harmony back into chaos. Sleep is unfavorable: isolation from the world is favorable may never be particularly dangerous in the spring. Pay attention to health (liver) and revise the system of internal values. Favorable in this case, despite the reluctance of the dreamer, maybe a change of scenery (and leisure).

Hasse’s dream book

Blasphemy; in the city - a difficult case.

Solomon’s dream book

Well-being, health.