Dream » L » Lemons

Dream «Lemons»

Seen in a dream lemons foreshadow what will soon receive good news from afar. If you slice a lemon - so what do you intend to do will be considered in your environment as too bold and defiant act, attempted to sow discord among colleagues.

Remove in the lemon peel means that will avoid the danger by acting quickly and decisively, without giving the enemy time to recover. If you dream you squeeze a lemon in your tea, the reality in the very near future will get sad and discouraging conduct.

If you dream you are eating lemon with sugar - in reality get pleasure from intercourse with a pleasant young man who agrees to take on the role of your trusty's page. If you eat terribly sour lemon sugar - in reality it portends humiliation and disappointment in who yesterday seemed almost ideal man Apollo in the flesh.

See what bought lemons and completely spoiled rotten - or to an infectious viral disease. Dried sliced ​​lemons talk about the upcoming break off relations with the family and loved one.

Grow a lemon tree in his sleep at home and collect the fruits from it means that in reality you will overcome the feeling of jealousy to your lover, but soon see in their groundless suspicions.

Ancient Zedkielya dream book

If you dream you see lemons growing on the tree - you will find a trip abroad, where it may. You will enter into a marriage with a woman who lives in the country. If you eat lemons - dream promises a dangerous disease that you had a hard time from infection. If you see an entire gold placer lemons, your marriage, at first a delightful, does not live up to your expectations of the future. Family people dreamed lemons promise disagreements in the family, concern for children.

East female dream book

If you see a lemon tree with fruit and lush foliage - and then you will suffer from ill-founded jealousy. There are lemons entirely - to the disappointment and humiliation. Green lemons portend disease. Wilted or shriveled lemon warns that threatens to divorce spouses and lovers - the gap relationships.

Modern dream book

If you dream you see a lemon tree with fruit and lush foliage, the reality you're going to suffer from ill-founded jealousy. If you dream that you eat lemons, then you expect disappointment and humiliation. Green lemons portend disease. Wilted or shriveled lemon warns that threatens to divorce spouses and lovers - the gap relationships.

Snotolkovatel (1829)

Watch a dream for a lemon tree with lush foliage is jealous of your loved one; but the available evidence must convince you of the absurdity of your charges.

There are lemons - foretells humiliation and frustration.

Green lemon portends contagious disease or other.

To dream of a dried lemon means for married - divorce, for lovers - the gap relationships.

Dream book of lovers

Adream in which you see a lemon tree with fruit and lush foliage, foretells you the trouble associated with your obsession with the opportunity to change your lover. Set aside these stupid ideas, you have everything in order. If you had a wilted or shriveled lemon, then you and your chosen nothing can hold together, you face the final break.

Miller’s dream book

To dream of seeing lemons on their native trees among rich foliage, denotes jealousy toward some beloved object, but demonstrations will convince you of the absurdity of the charge. To eat lemons, foretells humiliation and disappointments. Green lemons, denotes sickness and contagion. To see shriveled lemons, denotes divorce, if married, and separation, to lovers.


To see a lemon in your dream, indicates something that is inferior in quality. Perhaps a situation or relationship has turned sour.

To eat or suck on a lemon in your dream, refers to your need for cleansing or healing.

To dream that you are squeezing a lemon, suggest your need to be more economical.

Dream Book of Love

The dream in which you see a lemon tree with fruits and magnificent foliage, foretells you the troubles connected with your obsession about possible change of your beloved. Set aside these silly thoughts, at you everything is all right aside. If the withered or wrinkled lemon dreamed you, with your elect already nothing will be able to hold you together to you the final gap threatens.


To see in a large number - to a fast probable infectious disease, cold


View dream on a lemon tree with lush foliage is jealous of your loved one, but the evidence you need to convince the absurdity of your charges. There lemons - foretells humiliation and frustration. Green lemon portends infectious or other disease. Dreaming dried lemon means for married - divorce, for lovers - a rupture of relations. Alternative interpretation of what does it mean when you dream about lemons

If you dream you see a lemon tree with fruit and lush foliage, the reality you suffer from unfounded jealousy. If you had a dream that you eat lemons, you will be expects disappointment and humiliation. Green lemons presage disease. shriveled or wrinkled lemon warns that spouses threatening divorce and lovers - the rupture of relations.

Miller’s dream book

View dream on a lemon tree with lush foliage is jealous of your loved one, but the evidence you need to convince the absurdity of your charges. There lemons - foretells humiliation and frustration. Green lemon portends infectious or other disease. To dream of a dried lemon means for married - divorce, for lovers - a rupture of relations.