Dream » O » Ointment

The interpretation of the dream «Ointment»

Ointment — the need to show complaisance. The need to stop "bash his head wall".

Miller’s dream book

If you dreamed of an ointment, it says that you zavyazhutsya close friendships with nice people. Because they are at the same time very powerful, later this friendship will become your source of benefits. Use the ointment - for the young woman is a prediction that it forces will handle all their affairs, both personal and public.

Hasse’s dream book

Buy ointment - a paltry disease; do - will have to do the dirty work; use - the fear and anxieties.

Ancient French dream book

If you dreamed of an ointment - Waiting for you a great joy and a great profit.

New family dream book

When he saw in a dream ointment, you will be able to succeed in the most non-winning environment and his enemies look to friends. In general, the acquisition of a new ointment promises lasting friendship. If a young woman in a dream enjoys ointment - it is perfectly able to manage their own business.

East female dream book

The young woman dream in which she uses an ointment promises, soon she will be able to run your own business.

Modern dream book

If you dream you see the ointment, you will get acquainted with influential people in the future will bring you benefits. For a young woman's dream in which she uses the ointment is that she has enough strength and intelligence to overcome all the difficulties both in private and in public life.

Dream book of Health

Buy ointment - a mild disease; Use the ointment - to the alarm of.

Medieval dream book of Daniil

To do ointment — to need.

Snotolkovatel (1829)

If you dream of ointment, you will be able to succeed in the most non-winning conditions for you, and pay their enemies into your friends.

Ointment promises finding a new lasting friendship. If a young woman in a dream enjoys ointment - this means that soon she will be able to perfectly manage their own business.

Dream book of lovers

If dreams the girl that she uses ointment, it means that it will be independent in decision-making.


To see ointment in your dream, indicates that you are undergoing a period of healing.

Dream book of the Wanderer

Ointment, balm — the device of affairs, improvement of the relations with other people; consolation (idiom: "as balm for the soul").


This dream promises vain concerns concerning your illness: anything serious did not occur yet, have not complex.

Ukrainian Dream Book

Dirty affairs


If you had a salve, that you will be able to succeed in the most non-winning conditions for you and your enemies pay to their friends. Ointment promises finding new lasting friendship. If a young woman in dream enjoys ointment - it means that soon she will be able to perfectly manage their own business. Alternative interpretation of what does it mean when you dream about ointment

If you dream You see the ointment, you will get acquainted with influential people in the future will bring you benefits. For a young woman's dream, in which she uses the ointment is that she have the strength and intelligence to overcome all difficulties in personal and in public life.

Henry Rommel

Lubricate the face or body healing ointment - woo former enemies, success in business, a new lasting friendships.Young girl - to become the head of your own business.In all cases, may have to hide some circumstances.

Miller’s dream book

If you had a salve, that you will be able to succeed in the most non-winning conditions for you and your enemies pay to their friends. Ointment promises finding new lasting friendships. If a young woman in a dream enjoys ointment - it means that soon she will be able to perfectly manage their own business.

Dream interpretation of Simon the Zealot

Buy - easy disease; do - will be forced to do menial work, use it - anxiety and fear.

Ukrainian Dream Book

Dirty deeds.