Dream » C » Calendar

The interpretation of the dream «Calendar»

Study Calendar — a reflection of the desire arrange something (the need and / or the possibility of it).

Hasse’s dream book

See the calendar - a dream for payment of debts. Flipping him to reconsider - it means that your life joyful events will take turns sorrows and despair. Tear the calendar - a dream foretells that you, ignoring their plans spontaneously go on a trip. Looking at her, to see holiday dates - sleep to the tedious and long hours of work, not bringing adequate reward. See how some people looked calendar - such a dream foretells a surprise given people you depend on.

Miller’s dream book

To dream that you are holding in your hands the calendar means that you will be very careful and methodical in their habits throughout the year. Just see the calendar - is frustrated in their calculations. A careful reading of the calendar, study it - you in the future portends worry about trifles; You will be discouraged and annoyed by the fact that, in essence, is not worth your attention.

Noble dream book of N. Grishina

Calendar — pleasant surprise.

New family dream book

If you dreamed that hold in hand a calendar, – will be very accurate and methodical in the habits during the whole year.

Chinese dream book of Zhou-guna

You receive a calendar. – You pass examination for receiving an academic status.

East female dream book

To see a calendar – to disappointment. If you note numbers on a calendar, try to remember them, perhaps, these days in your life there has to be something significant.

Tsvetkov’s dream book

Hindrances, difficulties.

Modern dream book

To dream about a calendar means disappointment. If in a dream you note numbers on a calendar, in reality you are very accurate, organized and punctual.

Dream book of the Yellow Emperor

The sun crows and hare moon hurry, as always.

Dream book of Health

To tension of mentality of nervous system, vital rhythm, too high for you; For the patient – slowly and gradually, within a year, there will come recovery.

Solomon’s dream book

Calendar — Payment of debt.

Snotolkovatel (1829)

To dream that you are holding in your hands the calendar means that you will be very careful and methodical in their habits throughout the year.

Just see the calendar - is frustrated in their calculations.

A careful reading of the calendar, study it - you in the future portends worry about trifles; You will be discouraged and annoyed by the fact that, in essence, is not worth your attention.


A calendar is initially a way of naming periods of time, usually days, though also of particular cycles such as the seasons. Cycles in a calendar are often measured by the motion of planets and stars. This allows celebrations and festivals to be calculated. We should become more aware of these timetables. Because time is a self-imposed constraint, when anything that marks time appears in a dream we are being warned of the potential for limitation. If a calendar appears in a dream there can be more than one meaning. Our attention may be being drawn to the past, present or future and something significant in our lives, or we may be being warned of the passage of time in an important scheme.

Freud’s dream book

To dream of marking off special dates on a calendar is a sign that you will have fewer things to worry about than formerly.

Nostradamus’s dream book

Seeing a calendar on the wall indicates that you are well organized and prepared. If you see yourself making marks on a calendar then this denotes that you are marking time until a certain event comes to pass. If someone gives you a calendar you will have much disappointment in the week ahead.

Erotic dream book of Danilova

To dream about a calendar – to disappointment, refusal of the drawn-up plans and hopes in relation to the loved one. Those who was going to get married soon, this dream will set thinking on expediency of the actions.

Hasse’s dream book

Hardly you make the way in life.

Miller’s dream book

To dream that you hold a calendar in hand, means that you will be very accurate and methodical in the habits during the whole year.

Russian Dream Book



To dream that you are holding in your hands the calendar means that you will be very careful and methodical in his habits throughout the year. Just to see the calendar - is frustrated their calculations. careful reading calendar, study it - you in the future portends trouble for little things; you will be discouraged and annoyed by the fact that, in essence, is not worth your attention. Alternative interpretation of what does it mean when you dream about calendar

To dream calendar is disappointing. If you dream you note the number on the calendar, then in reality you are very careful, organized and punctual.

Henry Rommel

Calendar hanging on the wall - to the payment of debts, disappointment; it's a dream-warning: have to disrupt their own plans.Keep a calendar in hand - to the forced accuracy and orderliness in the affairs over year.Learn flipping calendar - to the dismay of detail.

Miller’s dream book

To dream that you are holding in your hands the calendar means that you will be very careful and methodical in his habits throughout the year. Just to see the calendar - is disappointed in his calculations. A careful reading of the calendar, study it - you in the future portends worry about trifles; You will be discouraged and annoyed by the fact that, in essence, is not worth your attention.

Hasse’s dream book

The hard way in a life.

Dream interpretation of Simon the Zealot

Payment of debts; you hardly striving for success in life.


Time or schedule, the passage of time, the idea of past or future, or a specific time period.