Dream » C » Cathedral

Dream «Cathedral»

If you dream you see the majestic cathedral with high domes, then you are quite envious people, which often interferes with the fulfillment of your desires.

If you dream that you enter the cathedral, in the life you expect extraordinary luck.

Miller’s dream book

If you had a very large cathedral, whose dome pierced the sky, it means that you have to live in his travels. Blame for this will be your propensity to jealousy, and too zealous striving for what is unattainable for you - in the spiritual and the physical plane. However, if you went to the cathedral, it will be able to achieve much of your surroundings will be a lot of wise and learned men.

Tsvetkov’s dream book

Mother homeland.

Hasse’s dream book

The symbol of peace, tranquility and well-being.

Esoteric Dream Book

To see the outside, to be around - all events that take place in society, will directly affect your interests. The negative effects will bring you trouble (if the cathedral is beautiful and rich): pluses - good luck, prosperity (if the cathedral is poor, half-destroyed). Being inside one - you will be in the position of an outcast, the prisoner; a group of people - you may have to be forced migrant prisoners.

New family dream book

The huge cathedral with very tall domes symbolize your desire for the unattainable both spiritually and physically for. Seeing such a dream, you have to understand that this approach to life will bring you some grief. If you dream you went to the cathedral, you will certainly achieve a lot in life due to the fact that your environment will be wise and learned men.

Ancient Zedkielya dream book

You can safely go to any journey after'll see yourself in a dream in the Cathedral. you have enough money to afford to enjoy the beauty of the ancient and distant countries. family people after this dream should not be worried about the future of their children, they will not be deceived their wildest hopes, and some of them will get high priesthood.

Old Russian Dream Book

Mother, fatherland.

Snotolkovatel (1829)

To dream of a huge cathedral with domes, towering high in the sky, means that your jealous nature and unfortunate desire for the unattainable in the spiritual and the physical relationship will bring you some grief. But if you go to the cathedral, you will achieve much in life and in your environment will be wise and learned men.

Dream book of lovers

The dreamed cathedral foretells you difficult relations with people around because of your jealousy and tendency to idealize people. Perhaps, you will be disappointed in the elect as will not be able to accept his such what he is actually.


Please see Church

Freud’s dream book

A beautiful and inspiring cathedral seen in a dream is an omen that you will not be able to attain your desires but that you will be compensated for your struggle toward them.


To blessing of the sky if begin new business, are going to propose marriage.

Schiller School student’s dream book

World, rest and wellbeing.


To dream of a huge cathedral with domes, rose high into the sky, means that your jealous nature and the unfortunate desire for unattainable both spiritually and physically bring you some grief. But if You enter the cathedral, you will achieve a lot in life and in your environment will be wise and learned men. Alternative interpretation of what does it mean when you dream about cathedral

If you dream you see a majestic cathedral with a high dome, you very envious person that often interferes with the execution of your desires. If you had a dream that you go to the Cathedral, then in life you expect extraordinary success.

Miller’s dream book

To dream of a huge cathedral with domes, rose high into the sky, It means that your jealous nature and miserable desire for the unattainable in the spiritual and physically bring you some grief. But if you enter the cathedral, you will achieve a lot in life and in your environment will be wise and learned men.

Dream interpretation of Simon the Zealot

Peaceful life, boredom.

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