Dream » L » Library

Dream «Library»

Library — a reflection of internal resources and inner wisdom. Reflection of interest in the development of intelligence. The need to learn something. Only the knowledge gained from experience (knowledge) give us strength.

Esoteric Dream Book

To be, see – you have too much excess knowledge, memory is overloaded.

Ancient French dream book

If the library dreams you, is means that soon you should be engaged in some searches. A dream about the librarian – the warning of the approaching illness. To buy in a dream library – a sign of that you need to consult about the affairs to the expert person or to the lawyer.

Miller’s dream book

To dream that you are in a library, denotes that you will grow discontented with your environments and associations and seek companionship in study and the exploration of ancient customs. To find yourself in a library for other purpose than study, foretells that your conduct will deceive your friends, and where you would have them believe that you had literary aspirations, you will find illicit assignations.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

Knowledge. Internal knowledge.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

This sign symbolizes your internal resources and your internal wisdom.

Dream book of the Maya

Good value

You can read names of books — you will meet the wise person who will help you to understand your problems and it is better to understand yourself. Within a week carry with yourself the favourite book. You the employee or the guest of library — expects you soon promotion. Within a week carry with yourself a flower which is pleasant to you (buy every morning fresh, and can dry one flower or carry with yourself a flowerpot).

Modern dream book

If dreamed you that you are in library, in reality you do not accept that circle of contacts which you have. If you incidentally appeared in library, in real life you quite often give out yourself not for the one who you are is actually.

Snotolkovatel (1829)

To dream of yourself in the library means that you call your dissatisfaction environment and relationships. Possible interest in the study and research of ancient customs, which will bring you to meet new people.

Be in the library for purposes other than scientific research, foretells that your conduct will deceive friends, who believed in your literary aspirations.

Dream book of lovers

Dream about the library promises a new hobby-related books and literature. Maybe it will bring you a new acquaintance with an interesting person, which can develop into something more than a simple attachment.


A library represents the Collective Unconscious all that is, was and ever shall be. It is often taken as the Akashic records the spiritual records of existence. At a certain stage in psychic and spiritual development, the library is an important symbol. It suggests both the wisdom and skills that we have accumulated, but also the collected wisdom available to all humanity. As we are able to look more objectively at our lives we have more access to universal knowledge. A chaotic, untidy library would suggest that we have difficulty in dealing with information and emotion. A library in a dream can often represent the storehouse of our life's experience. It can also represent our intellect and the way we handle knowledge. A well-managed library would suggest the ability to create order successfully.

Hasse’s dream book

Dreams of libraries are strong suggestions from the unconscious mind that the dreamer needs to find meaning in his/her life. Also see Book.

Nostradamus’s dream book

A library is a repository of knowledge and assessable information, and a dream featuring a library may be showing you that you need to learn all you can about a certain thing or situation before becoming involved, and if you are checking out a book you will need to *check out your information*. If you are returning books, then this is a wish you have for teaching another.

Miller’s dream book

To dream in library means itself that you cause discontent with your environment and communications. Interest in studying and research of ancient customs which will bring you new acquaintances is possible.

Esoteric Dream Book

Be to see - you have too much extra knowledge, memory overloaded. To work in the library - can be a brain disease or migraine.


To dream of myself in the library means that you displease your surroundings and relationships. possible interest in the study and research of ancient customs, which will bring you to meet new people. Be in the library for purposes other than research, it foretells that your behavior deceive friends, who believed in your literary aspirations. Alternative interpretation of what does it mean when you dream about library

If you dream that you are in the library, then in reality you are not satisfied with the social circle that you have. If you happen to be in the library, in real life, you often impersonating not because of who you are on the business.

Henry Rommel

If you come in a dream to the library, so in reality you are unhappy with friends and family, you need to seek advice about their grandfathers.Engage in the library - to get acquainted with the man who will become your friend and mentor.Proprietary library - futile efforts.If a librarian recommends you to read a book, in life, you will face the problem of choice.To refuse help librarians - suffer from fraud.

Miller’s dream book

To dream himself library means that you displease your surroundings and relationships. Possible interest in the study and research of ancient customs, which will bring you to meet new people. To appear in the library for purposes other than research, foretells that your behavior deceive friends, who believed in your literary aspirations.

Modern dream book

Dispute with teachers.

Ukrainian Dream Book

As the dream of a library, Be thrifty.


A specific real-life place where you interact or work alongside others (your workplace, your school, etc.)

A real-life environment with a characteristic of a library, such as quiet environment, authority figures or experts (represented by librarians), people who want to learn or study, books or information, etc.

Information, especially well-organized information or an information system (such as a file system in a computer)

Shared resources, or setting that features shared or community resources

The idea of borrowing, responsibility, or penalty for not following through on a promise (as in late fines)

A central location or public place where people from all aspects of a community interact

For more clues about meaning, consider what stood out about the library, what was happening there, and how you felt about it.

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