Dream » P » Paddle

Dream «Paddle»

To row in clean water - a harbinger of financial collapse, the disappointments in affairs; in muddy or swift water - make a rash and thoughtless actions that will bring nothing but disappointment over. Carry in his hand paddles - disappointed by sacrificing the interests of others their prosperity.

To drop the oars - portends a futile effort to finish the begun business. Broken oar - a change of mood from joyful to sad.

Loff’s dream book

The oars are the primary symbol for the struggle between man and nature. They symbolize our opposition to the forces of nature, which hinder the realization of our aspirations. The dream where you are going or preparing to march on the oars, it was a dream for the Suppression of circumstances. You may feel fatigue at work, depression due to the inability to stay afloat in relation to financial, interpersonal or professional. In life, you are constantly aiming to progress? Do you feel a lack of support from the staff, Husband / Wife, others? You go to the oars, battling a strong headwind, distracting you from life's aspirations?.

Hasse’s dream book

You will leave the road; rowing oar - your work will bring you comfort.

Ancient French dream book

If you dream of a paddle (oar) - it means that in reality you should be more careful in his speeches.

You will leave the road rowing oar - your work will bring you comfort.

To dream of the oars in their hands - portends disappointment perhaps you would sacrifice their own well-being for the sake of supporting other. Lose paddle - is futile efforts to complete their plans. Broken oar - a sign that the long-awaited joy suddenly replaced by sadness.

Row one — another successful case.

If you dream you are holding the oars, in real life, you will suffer great disappointment of having your very kind and benevolent nature.

If you dream that you have lost an oar, then in reality you will not be able to implement his plan.

A dream in which you see the broken oar, meaning that you will not fully enjoy long smack one's lips.

Paddle — the road; rowing oar - your work is not in vain, you will have the benefit. Oar - take the initiative in the important matter into their own hands. Oar - a love journey.

Snotolkovatel (1829)

To dream of the oars in their hands - portends frustration: possible. You will sacrifice their own well-being for the sake of supporting other.

Lose paddle - is futile efforts to complete their plans.

A broken oar - a sign that the long-awaited joy suddenly replaced by sadness.

Dream book of lovers

If you dream that you are holding the paddle, it promises you a frustrated loved one. Perhaps you will make for him a noble act, but did not get a response votes. Broken oar means that end up in a happy relationship break.

Miller’s dream book

To dream oars in their hands - it portends disappointment possible. You would sacrifice their own well-being for the support of others. Lose paddle - is futile effort to complete their plans. Broken oar - a sign that the long-awaited joy to a sudden change of grief.


Please See Oar.

Freud’s dream book

If you dream of being dextrous with a canoe paddle, you will be able to handle your own affairs with great success. You may be placed in the position of mentor or guardian over young people.


The oars are the primary symbol for the struggle between man and nature. They symbolize our opposition to the forces of nature, which hinder the realization of our aspirations. The dream where you are going or preparing to march on the oars, it was a dream for the Suppression with the circumstances. You may feel fatigue at work, depression due to the inability to stay afloat in relation to financial, interpersonal or professional. In life, you are constantly aiming to progress? Do you feel a lack of support from the staff, Husband / Wife, others? You go to the oars, battling a strong headwind, distracting you from life's aspirations?.

Henry Rommel

If you dream you are rowing with one oar, waking you to the business or some passion attach another (for example, someone's stake in the business to add to his).Swim in the boat and row two paddles - additional earnings.Lose paddle - I think you will not be able to finish.Broken oar - to risk the well-being of their loved ones.Oars in your hands - disappointment: you can help others in spite of their own advantage.

Dream interpretation of Simon the Zealot

Unexpected road, hit the road, rowing oar - work will bring you comfort.

Ukrainian Dream Book

The paddle — the road; rowing oar - your work is in vain, you will have the advantage. Paddle - take the initiative in the important matter in their own hands. Oar - a love journey.


A paddle or oar can represent your ability to "get places" or to change direction in life. Dreaming you are in a boat and have lost your paddles can mean you're feeling unable or unempowered to make a change or move ahead in your life or in a particular situation.