There are delicious vegetables in a dream - an unexpected success on the love front. But the luck - just a temporary, short phenomenon. Rotten vegetables dream to separation or change.
Vegetables - your plan succeed. Watermelon see - get women out. Melon to see - to have good friends. There is - a disease. Tear - a lot of poverty. A lot of the garden - a moderate well-being. Buy - to give his unworthy location. Digging potatoes - have a thankless job. Yes - a little upset stomach. Prepare - an unpleasant visit. A lot to see - a good return or yield. Small potatoes - the lack, tears. Sell it - get rid of sorrow. Cabbage - welfare. Crumble - longing. Salt - a profitable life. There is - a serious illness. Turnips see - rack up a lot of physical strength. Yes - you will ruin. To clean - will be expelled. Cucumbers see or eat - you'll get something good. Parsley - you will find many patrons. Garlic see - Bearer of Bad News. Collect or buy - do not bear case with ill-wishers. There - Health. Onions see - surprise, pets friends. Yes - your circumstances worsen. To clean - a lie. Sow lettuce - do useful work. Yes - good views of future happiness. Asparagus seed - you will wait a good time. There - Health. Celery is - a great joy. Buy - a love affair. Sorrel - unsuccessful courtship. Sunflower - hot love to be reciprocity. Tomatoes - secret love. Peas see or collect - increased property. Yes - you unjustly accused of misdeeds. Peas are blooming - success in the enterprise. Knit - rest home. If peas after removing from heat still seething - a good sign. Porridge out of the pot - unfortunately.
Vegetables — in general - more, negative conditions of a dissatisfaction, care, an indisposition, chagrin, a shortcoming. It is good luck or failure; work; sometimes erotic husband. A symbol (for the woman). To cut, slice vegetables - disagreement in economy. There are vegetables - in interpretation taste is leading. See. Separately taste.
The lowest form of life, however also symbol of division and donation.
Vegetables to tear or collect will presage tears; sweet vegetables are the pleasure and pleasure means; and bitter and sour foretell quarrel, disagreement and contention.