Meaning of name «Alevtina»

Origin and meaning: 1) is presumably derived from the Greek aleuō - «reflect", "beat". 2) Russian Orthodox tradition relates to the origin of the name Alevtina distorted Latin named Valentine (strong).

3) Presumably this is the feminine form of the Greek male name Alevton (Alet), meaning "wanderer": so called descendant of Heracles.

Name-: July 29

Main character traits: Do Alevtina abrupt and impetuous nature. Betrayed, able to keep other people's secrets. Ironically enough. Categorical judgments in.

Emotional manifestations: In its energy is the name of a rather soft and light, but it still felt some explosiveness. Besides, it is the ability to awaken the melody in Alevtina dreaminess and sense of being different. Her sensitive selfishness or lack of exposure often allow it to be got, as they say, with a twist - and where might be a slight dissatisfaction, there is a serious conflict.

Health: As a child, Alevtina tonsillitis and pharyngitis exposed.

Appearance and sexual temperament: Alevtina strictly follows its appearance, will not work on the street not brushed. Yet not every man will sustain its commanding tone.

Job and Career: Alevtina difficult to tolerate female staff: often ceases to communicate with the female half of the team, preferring to chat with men with whom she feels much better and much more confident. Conflicts in the team, headed by Alevtina inevitable, even if it will take care of subordinates.

Love and family: Most likely, Alevtina long will choose her husband, and try to choose it from any high circles, which is connected with its dreamy and ambition, and finding opportunities to assert themselves. Hard with Alevtina married, though she homebody, economical hostess, a good mother.

Derivatives: Alevtinka, Tina, Ala, Ala.

Favorable associations: Anatoly Victor, Peter

Adverse associations: Alexander George Nicholas, Ostap, Simon

Zodiac: Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces, Aries.

heavenly body: Mars

Color: Red, blue, green, green, white.

Birthstone: Emerald, jade, onyx.

Totemic creature: Mirror carp.

It's an emotional, sociable, cheerful, but stubborn girl. A small Alevtina often in poor health, and she suffers a lot. At school, the girl learns well, but sometimes noisy behaves in class, naughty.

Alevtina often friends with the boys like to play with them in football and hockey. It helps little mother at home and does not like economic affairs.

adult Alevtina sociable by nature, but very self-sufficient. It is independent, does not suffer when she tries to steer.

Alevtina can be accommodating and welcoming, but it is better not to annoy and exasperate. This woman who rarely finds authority for themselves, but if they recognize, then change her mind will be very difficult. Generally, Alevtina throughout relies solely on his experience, she never believes word and prefers to see, hear and check itself. Woman with this name usually punctual and does not like when someone is late.

Alevtina self-critical, but also very hard on the shortcomings of others, often intolerant. This woman of principle, it will never be silent when injustice notice, as well as dishonesty. She always keeps its promises and never forgets them.

Alevtina does not like to throw words to the wind, she says little and always the case, but not silent, in the company of friends who this woman is pretty much is talkative. In an unfamiliar society or at work this woman is usually kept.

Alevtina often chooses heavy, male profession. And as in her youth, she starts to play sports, then adult Alevtina health problems no longer occur. At work, she is responsible, reliable, collected and copes with its responsibilities in no way inferior to men. Before you do anything, all carefully thought Alevtina. She persisted and not afraid of hardship. Woman with the same name always achieves that aspires. She is very single-minded, ambitious and generally making a career. Always tries to help others. It is not selfish, and, despite his bad temper, kind and sympathetic woman. She does not brag and do not like to attract attention. In his spare time Alevtina usually works in the garden area or goes hiking; she also loves hiking and cycling.

Alevtina dress is always fashionable and very extravagant, but to face. Typically, this woman attracted the attention of men and marries early. Her family life is not always fortunate. Woman with the same name easily acquainted with men. Although she and many friends among men, but Alevtina never forgets that she is a woman. But she was not flirtatious and loves to play the feelings of fans. Alevtina usually chooses a partner close to her interests and equal experience. This woman is very demanding for the partner.

Alevtina born in winter, often rustic, trusting and curious. She was always aware of all the gossip and affairs of their friends and colleagues. This woman is lazy. She is kind, willing to help, but she absolutely can not be trusted any secret - always blabbing. She dresses well, is easy to communicate and love men. This woman often change partners. Alevtina is married several times, but usually only last marriage is the best.

Summer Alevtina clever, secretive and often selfish woman. It is for all his actions never forgets about their own benefit. Married this woman goes on calculation. Since she is able to get along with people, to use them to their advantage, then the relationship with the husband at this lovely fold Alevtina. Being under her heel, he nonetheless considers himself head of the family.

Energy and Karma name: in its power is the name of a rather soft and light, but it still felt some explosiveness. Besides, it is the ability to awaken the melody in Alevtina dreaminess and sense of being different. This is further enhanced by the fact that today is the name is quite rare, which makes Teflon noticeable in almost any team. And it is very likely that this visibility will play a significant role in the development of self-esteem Alevtina, because on the one hand the name quite nicely, on the other hand - it is heard something old-fashioned, but in my youth it is capable to deliver a lot of trouble. It is possible that self-esteem is very painful Ali and she will feel uncomfortable among several girlfriends, though her soul can mature confidence in his originality and even his superiority. Perhaps, be firmer and ponapryazhennee name, then it would not be so dangerous, but just in the name of hardness and not enough.

All this leads to the fact that more often than not able to calmly Alevtina move common in the women's team exchanged barbs, its sensitive selfishness or lack of inclination for restraint often allow it to be got, as they say, with a half-turn, and where it might be easy discontent, there is a serious conflict. I must say that in this situation it is difficult to know which is the reason, where a result, since there is a vicious circle - the more there is a conflict, the easier Alevtina starts to break on sarcasm, which, respectively, gives rise to new conflicts. Alya often ceases to communicate with the female half of the team, preferring to chat with men with whom she feels much better and much more confident.

likely to be long Alevtina choose her husband, and try to choose it from any high circles, which is connected with its dreamy and ambition, and finding opportunities to assert themselves. However, here, as in communicating with her friends, she should be careful, because any life together, even if the husband is wide angel, is fraught with many misunderstandings and resentments, so if Alevtina not overcome his explosiveness, frequent family quarrels are able to supply family on the brink of divorce.

The Secrets of communication. A man can not be afraid when accidentally Alevtina entrust any secret associated with women - if she gossips with someone, certainly not in the women's team. In addition, in the case of communication with Alevtina it is useful to prepare for her sarcasm and barbs. Often they are quite painful.