Names » Inna

Meaning of name «Inna»

Origin: Inna (Gothic, Old Russian, Greek, Latin or German) means "strong water". This man's name is currently used as a female, as well as the names and Rimma Pina. It is often confused with Inessa, and vice versa.

value: Name Inna - nice, gentle and feminine.

Inna - a bright personality, easy, simple and reliable. She Inessa weaker, but in all respects attractive. Not common, but does not go out of use.

Name-: February 2

Zodiac name: Taurus.

Planet: Moon.

Color name: Lemon; blue with a hint of purple; matte blue.

Birthstone: Opal.

plant: Lemon and lemon tree flower.

Animal: dingo.

Key features: The smart.

Type: City resident.

name and character: Inna very stubborn, confident. If you make concessions, it is only overcome strong internal resistance. Particularly complex characters in ITATION Inn with patronymic D., B., V., N. and V.. Vulnerable ... Innulya childhood differs difficult character. His stubbornness can bring tears to himself and his mother.

Fate: Fate Inna closely connected with her character.

Psyche: By temperament Inna rather sanguine, but not loud and pushy, but cheerful and even frivolous. Life is not always favorable to her, but not hoard Inna resentment. And it helps her to overcome difficulties. Vividly reacts to everything that happens, is able to adapt to circumstances and not prone to melancholy and depression. She just impatient vain because Inna - a "raging torrent". Needs a friendly and attentive attitude. Internal integrity, and non-involvement in the external immersion in Innu themselves characterize as a closed book.

Intelligence: Inna has a lively mind. Striking observations surrounding bold, original statements.

Morality: Inna does not forgive even the smallest weakness your friends. And the wrongs done to her, never forgets, and although she is not vindictive. Wherever Inna nor lived, there is something of the flavor of St. Petersburg.

Health: Suffers from his character, from its internal disharmony. And all of her illness.

Sexuality: From his chosen Inna waiting absolute honesty and openness. She is jealous, but her devotion and loyalty is never any doubt.

Inna - sexy, sensitive, gentle and affectionate in dealing with men. Intensely experiencing love lust. Love long lovemaking, kissing, causing sexual arousal. Its very exciting not only man's hands, but hot love words. It can become an unmatched lover. Understanding possible with Alexander Vladimir, Alexei, Leo Evdokimov, Leonid Constantine James and Felix.

Marriage: Marriage Inna for any man were uneasy. She constantly expects attention manie husband and expects him to praise. As a rule, she is happy in love, but her kids are disappointing. They grow up so not what she would like to see them. Happen to them conflicts. She's adamant wishes to dominate throughout. Her marriage is often short-lived. Broke up with her husband, she is no longer married.

Favorable associations: Alexander Vladimir Konstantinov, Peter or Yakov.

Adverse associations: Vadim Vasily Ivanov, Nikolai and Roman.

Hobby: Ina wasteful at the spectacular good deeds. Loves children and their upbringing relates very responsibly. Tries to arrange them in the sports section, musical school. Since childhood, can cook well. She likes to experiment with all sorts of recipes.

field activities: Inna may be a good journalist, a hairdresser, an engineer, a photojournalist, a store manager.

Business: Inna tries to choose something for everyone. Can be carried away by interesting work, but it may change relatively painless occupation. Often quite independently. The manual does not need and do not seek to impose anyone had their views, demeanor. Capable of unexpected actions. For example, may need to give way to her pleasant person, but it will make it contrary to its principles.

Celebrities: Gulaya, Kapinos Kashezheva, Lesnyansky, Lyubimenko Makarova, Churikova.