Meaning of name «Rimma»

Origin: Rima - old rare name, was previously a male name. Takes its name from Mr.. Rome. Translated from the Latin language - a Roman, from the Hebrew - apple, Greek - cast, cast. Curiously, that being a man's name, as Ina and Pina name Rima has recently become exclusively women.

value: Deep rhythm internal pressure (Rome-ma) and monolithic cohesion of the name sounds give the impression powerful but undeveloped force. This force vibrates inside without affecting the external image that stays smooth and submerged-dissolved.

Name-: February 2, July 3.

Zodiac name: Taurus.

Planet: Moon (Sun).

Color name: Lemon, blue with brown-ruby color, steel, yellow-brown. The most favorable colors - orange and green.

Birthstone: Opal, Chrysoprase.

plant: Lemon, lemon tree flower.

Animal: dingo.

Key features: Rimma absorbed the merits and defects of the East and West.

Type: rare woman.

name and character: Deep and a man of integrity. Most often difficult character Rima begins to emerge in early childhood. Incredible moodiness and demanding. In the character of Rima gradually strengthened ability to achieve the desired shouted, amplified selfish inclinations.

Rima intolerant and vindictive, so she had few friends. Nobody interested in life except herself. However, Rima accurate, pedantic, cleverly divides his time, not forgetting to leave room for the assignation.

Fate: As a child, Rima stands ability to make contact with the person to gain his confidence. She feels better behave, what to say to get my. Deftly changing the guys with all sorts of trifling matter, remaining always win. It is interesting to combine such qualities as hardness, transparency and, oddly enough, easy excitability. This cocktail is not always harmless. This strong-willed, determined woman does not differ too much tolerance and with half a turn in the conversation ready to be broken. She and holiday - and then with a catch.

Psyche: If you want to Rimma heard you do not need to prove anything, just wait until she calms down and talk about their problems. But do not get too carried away with colorful descriptions, and that compassion can cause her so much pain that she would prefer not to listen to anything, saying that you finally shut up.

Intuition: Average, but observation helps Rima feel the situation.

Intelligence: smart, knows the human weaknesses and knows how to use them.

Morality: Rima can not quite hear and ignore the feelings and wishes of others, and therefore is not considered them. So she loses friends with age and breeds around them a great number of enemies. When Rima learn to ignore other people's emotions and desires, and at the same time soften his character with good humor, while sympathetic, compassionate and soulful it will be difficult to find a person! Then fate will change her attitude to a more favorable.

Health: Rima - a lover of long sleep. Failure knock her out of the rut and make irritable.

Sexuality: If someone is bound to Rima, the passionate and tender. His considerable charm can consciously use. If from this man she does not need anything, then no matter how he applies to it. This bright and attractive woman looking for a companion, able to appreciate its best quality and patiently endure all her whims. She loves to play the love drama, asserting itself in the big world of love and trying to make sure their power over a partner. She is able to captivate a man, skillfully adapting to it. She expresses her feelings straight man and she really needs in a nutshell: not enough for her to feel that she is loved, she is air needed constant declarations of love. So its requirements may submit Vladimir, Mikhail, Boris, Sergey, Constantine and Oleg. Heightened sexuality has Rima D..

Marriage: Marry a man she liked Rima is not difficult. One of the main advantages for her husband is his ability to provide logistical family.

In marriage, it is not always distinguished faithfulness, but cleverly hides it.

Favorable associations: Viktor, Konstantin, Oleg Sergeev, or Edward.

Adverse associations: Vladislav Gennady Dmitri and Nicholas.

Hobby: Very appreciate prosperity. Good cook, it is best to work out the cakes and pancakes. Loves to fall in love, a love without trepidation not imagine life.

field activities: Usually Rima has great self-confidence that helps considerably in his career, if she will learn a little bit to keep yourself in the hands of. Often she chooses a profession that allows to show their "wrestling" quality - and often becomes a politician. Can work in the service industry, in medicine.

Business: Work is not the purpose of life Rimma. She needs to learn how to better relate to failure. At work does not possess special diligence, but her natural intelligence and cunning always allow to achieve this goal. Does not work if there is a possibility.

Celebrities: Aldonin (Black), Kazakova, Rima-Matilda-Ville helminths (Napoleon's brother's daughter).

The history: Rimma Barker - famous medieval witch, whose art attributed to a variety of local British scourge: the evil eye, damage, illness and death. Anyway, it is credited with one of her recipes so-called witchcraft ointments, whereby witches gain the ability to cause an epidemic, even though a city! In 1603. witch burned at the stake. Her recipe, which entered into many magical books, has long served to help many aspiring magicians.