Meaning of name «Seraphim»

value, origin: Seraphim - the feminine form of the Hebrew name of the male Seraphim (plural.

Number of words "Saraf" - burning, fiery): lights, torches, flaming, flaming; fiery six-winged angels, especially close to God, glorifying him. At the end of the name Seraphim "them" plural. In Russian the word is mistakenly get the value of a single. Also happened to know the word cherub. The two words in the Russian language emerged, so to speak, the plural of the second stage: seraphim, cherubim. We can say that our names and Seraphim Seraphim belong to the category of the rarest of personal names with the plural form. Seraphim - celestial beings. The prophet Isaiah who saw the seraphim in one of his visions, told me that each of them had "six wings; with two he covered his face and two tsogi their own, and with two he flew ". They stood around the throne of God. And all the air in the temple ranged from wing movements, distributing incense. When in anguish voskorbel Isaiah that his mouth is not clean, then took one of the angels from the altar and a hot coal and touched his mouth. And Isaiah said, "... your iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged". Prototype six-winged seraphim served Chaldean demon in each hand snake. Inspired by the legend,. Pushkin wrote in the poem "The Prophet": And he clung to my mouth, And tore my sinful tongue, And prazdnoslovny, and the wicked, And the sting mudryya snake in my mouth opened, Invested bloody right hand ... Seraphim - the name of a very interesting. First, it is in the fullest sense of the word angel, so to speak, on the same level with cherubs. Secondly, unlike the cherubim, "angeloobraznost" Seraphim is not so noticeable, and thus deprives the name excessive pretension. Third, the name of a very peculiar energy. Sounding name Seraphim begins at some rise (SERA-), and ends with a much more relaxed exhalation (FIMA), as if the man was relieved. The name means fiery, fiery flames, burning.

value, origin: August 11, September 15, November 19.

Zodiac name: Leo.

Planet: Sun (Mercury).

Color name: Bright yellow, green, silver, purple. Most favorable - Brown.

Birthstone: Aventurine, jasper.

plant: Elm, sunflower.

Animal: Salamander, trout.

Key features: excitability, impulsiveness, sensitivity, intemperance, communicative, intuitive, good ability.

Type: Very picky. This neurotic choleric with unstable nervous system. Easily disappointed. Any failure brings it to despair. Capricious, not owning their emotions.

name and character: Seraphim radiates warmth, love, affection and wants to get it all from the surrounding. Her positive energy. Has a good sense of humor, which facilitates communication with her. Has many friends and acquaintances. As a rule, Sim from childhood is agile and cheerful optimism, and with the age of the somber mood for her uncharacteristically.

Fate: Seraphim is one of those women who reveal the secrets of life. She knows how to please. She has many chances for something to match his extraordinary name.

Psyche: Do not suffer reproach either ugly flared in response to, or withdraw into themselves, having lost most of the charm. It's a woman-child who wants to protect and preserve. Since childhood, it is necessary to learn to keep his word and not a coward in front of danger. Its not difficult to hit home. Resentment in her soul live long, but it does not mean that it will return its favor to the offender. If the offense is deep, it may even cease to communicate with this person. But thoughts of revenge are alien. In humans, she appreciates primarily 'sincerity, honesty and constancy.

Intuition: attach great importance to your intuition. Lives in the mysterious world of signs and premonitions. It's pretty sensitive person.

Intelligence: Seraphim - intellectual, but it works so fast that often make a big mistake. Memory is so weak that not only forget about the umbrella, but even for her husband.

Morality: Seraphim very responsive. Since her immediate reaction to the aid does not come, and literally throws. However, increased sensitivity makes it quite often touchy. This nature are contraindicated strict prohibitions - they can only do harm.

Health: Not very strong, depends on the psyche. Weak intestines and genitals.

Sexuality: Seraphim good-. Word "sex" frightens her. Does not know and does not want to understand their desires, so often has to deal with partners, far from ideal. She herself does not know what her ideal and what she expects from life.

Seraphim primarily in need of love and tenderness.

Marriage: In family life, seraphim are no special difficulties. In most cases, her maiden amorous in marriage gives way to a deeper and more mature feelings. Sincerity, kindness and quick othodchivy Seraphim do not give the usual misunderstandings in the family to become a reason for divorce. This woman can not stand alone. Your lifestyle it fits to those whom he loves, but because her family life - a pleasure: it is democratic, financially independent, feet on the floor.

Hobbies: Seraphim - dreamer. It happens that her dreams about a bright future to help her to quickly regain composure.

field activities: Seraphim is not very active. Interested in medicine and pre-school education. This is an excellent mother, gentle wife.

Business: In business Seraphim lacks some perseverance. Oddly enough, prevent its inherent optimism and lightness. This is especially true success in their careers and thoughts about their financial independence. Here she can not do without education a tenacity. Values ​​its reputation.

Celebrities: Birman.