Dream » D » Doctor

The interpretation of the dream «Doctor»

Physician of his kiss - reconciliation.

Modern dream book


Loff’s dream book

If you had a medic, it is often his image reflects the existence of a real person surrounded by the dreamer of the profession. At the same time, the physician may appear as a personification of its relationship to the primary knowledge. This sacred knowledge, spiritual strength and healing of body, soul.

Physicians may be many of the characters dreams - strangers, household, friends, etc. If you meet with a doctor, it can be seen as a meeting with the wisdom of the unconscious world. His image - eerily supernatural and encouraging, safe and disturbing at the same time. Such a meeting, or simply the presence of the physician, in many cases, can change our perception of the world. We must not forget that the function of the character of dreams - to symbolize the link between the past and the future, conscious and spiritual principles. Dreams, which featured a doctor, often serve as a reflection of our relationship to the factors that have an impact on the course of life.

Were you in a dream healer their relatives or members of the community? Remember, in comparison with the other characters dreams looked to the physician, according to your feelings, friendly, powerful and taboo way.

Hasse’s dream book

To dream of visiting a doctor at his office represents disagreements between members of a family. Dreams of talking to a doctor in a social setting (like a party) are very lucky, meaning you will have good health and prosperity. If you dream that you are engaged to marry a doctor, someone you know could be trying to deceive you. Dreaming that a doctor makes an incision in your flesh means you may be bothered by some malicious person or have bad luck in your finances.

Miller’s dream book

If a young girl to dream of a doctor - which means that it will donate its beauty for the sake of empty entertainment. If it really is unhealthy and therefore sees such a dream, then it foretells sickness and worry that it will soon prevail, unless the doctor in her sleep appears extremely concerned - because in this case, all may result in the loss and grief. If the woman in the dream is about to marry a doctor - it is a sign of possible fraud in the future. Quack doctor, vainly trying to cure you in a dream, promises you the anxiety and illness, If you dream you have to treat your teeth to a dentist - this is an early sign of disappointment may be that upset you insincerity close. If you see a dentist who treats teeth of a young girl - in reality you should expect this scandal to his friends.

Esoteric Dream Book

Traditional, in a white coat - your hope for help from true. Benevolent, treats - you will be assisted, but only at your request. Alienated, refuses to treat - your hopes are not justified, especially when it comes to material issues. Treats you - you need help. Treats others - need help from you.

Ancient French dream book

Saw the doctor - are coming trouble and painful events, disease.

Longo’s dream book

It is considered an evil signal to dream of health workers. This is a reflection of your excessive concern about their own health, while not giving a reason for this. Do you have a clear tendency to exaggerate the extent of the problems. If even a trifling difficulty you will not take so much to heart, you will see that life is painted in a rainbow of paint.

If you dreamed of myself as a doctor, it means that you love to solve other people's problems, while on their own you has neither the time nor the patience, though their worries you a lot. Son Calls to think about themselves and their prospects refocus attention on yourself with other.

See what the doctor caring for the sick - is a dream suggests that, feeling the lack of attention and support of loved ones, you are trying to find them not in those people that are suitable for this. Do not focus on your own grievances. The consequence would be to establish communication with the family and its members receive from you the necessary warmth. Just remember that the care is needed not only to you but also to others.

Oversee the activities of a doctor who is in an informal setting - go on a long trip, most likely, the nature of the business. Do you think that there is nothing interesting there is not waiting for you, and yet many will be pleasantly surprised, remembering in memory a large number of pleasant memories.

Ukrainian Dream Book

If you remove the doctor or hospital, it is a disease. Buy - weakness, need, to sell -neudacha but penal; bitter medicine - you depressing enemies, enemies; sweet medicine -kovarnost deception.

Children's Dream Book

Dentist - an unpleasant conversation with parents.

Snotolkovatel (1829)

If a young girl to dream of a doctor - which means that it will donate its beauty for the sake of empty entertainment. If it really is unhealthy and therefore sees such a dream, then it foretells sickness and worry that it will soon prevail, unless the doctor in her sleep appears extremely concerned - because in this case, all may result in the loss and grief.

If a woman in the dream is about to marry a doctor - it is a sign of possible fraud in the future.

Quack doctor, vainly trying to cure you in a dream, promises you the anxiety and illness, If you dream you have to treat your teeth to a dentist - this is an early sign of disappointment may be that upset you insincerity close.

If you see a dentist who treats teeth of a young girl - in reality you should expect this scandal to his friends.

Tsvetkov’s dream book

Loss for the women in their personal, for men - in the cases; dentist - a disease; find a doctor in the community, in the company - a sign of good luck favored.

Dream book of lovers

The doctor snyaschiysya a young girl to her empty promises entertainment for which it will donate its beauty. If a woman dreams that she is going to marry a doctor, it means that in the future, waiting for her failed relationship with her lover and unhappy marriage.


The presence of a doctor in dreams suggests the appearance of the healer within. We each have within us an aspect of spiritual knowledge, which is capable of reminding the physical body of its right to be well. It will depend what sort of doctor appears in our dream as to the correct interpretation. A surgeon would suggest the need to cut something out of our lives. A physician would indicate that careful consideration should be given to our general state, whereas a psychiatrist or psychologist signifies the need to look at our mental state. If the doctor is known to us he may stand as an authority figure. When we dream of a doctor we are aware that we need to give way to a higher authority in health matters. For older people the doctor may also represent the professional classes. By and large a woman will tend to dream of the doctor as masculine, and a man the opposite. Only when the Shadow - the repressed parts of our personality - is understood will true healing take place. You might like to consult the entries for Analyst and Medication/Medicine as well as the information on Authority Figures in the People section.

Dream book of Vanga

Talking or treating you: Check your self, it may be health related. Someone else: May indicate medical need or focus.

Azar’s dream book

The doctor – a chaotic way of life will cause a regret

Dream book of Health

The image of the doctor promises the healthy – an illness and hope for recovery; The Patient – opportunity to recover.

Dream book of the Maya

Good value

If the dream dreamed the man, you will have very successful day. Your very first desire which arose today, will surely come true and, it is rather no later than this evening. That the whole day passed well, you cannot have a shave today, and try to use knives as seldom as possible today.

Dream book of the Yellow Emperor

Primary elements – the earth, metal, water.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

Perhaps, it is time to visit the doctor to check a state of health.

Hasse’s dream book

To see – the chaotic way of life will cause regrets; to speak with it – there is a certain hope; to be exposed to operation – patients a gradual return to health; the healthy – an illness; to accept lekartsvo – losses.

Noble dream book of N. Grishina

To dream — to pay doctors to the health too much attention. To see a consultation of doctors - to endure fear. The doctor to call, cause - an illness. With the doctor to speak - pleasure.


If you remove the doctor or hospital, it is a disease. Buy - weakness, need, to sell -neudacha but penal; bitter medicine - you depress enemies, enemies; sweet medicine -kovarnost, deception.

Henry Rommel

If you see a doctor, waking you expect illness, emotion, empty troubles, tedious negotiations, meetings.For women - loss of privacy; for men - in deeds.Have to treat your teeth to a dentist - in the coming deeply disappointed in something, to learn about someone's insincerity.Meet the doctor is not in the hospital at some companies - a sign of good luck.If you dream themselves take on the role of the doctor, treat someone - someone will render help, support, moral or material.

Miller’s dream book

If you dream of a young girl doctor - it means that it will donate its beauty for the sake of empty entertainment. If she really is ill, and therefore sees a similar dream, then it portends illness and worry that it will soon prevail, unless the doctor in her dream does not appear very worried - because in this case all could result in the loss and grief. If a woman in a dream is about to marry a doctor - a sign of possible fraud in the future. Quack doctor, vainly trying to cure you in a dream, promises you anxiety and illness, if in a dream you have to treat your teeth to a dentist - it is a sign of frustration soon possible that insincerity close disappoint you. If you see a dentist, treating the teeth of a young girl - in reality you should expect this scandal to his friends.

Russian Dream Book

Visit to the theater , fun wedding.

Dream interpretation of Simon the Zealot

To talk to him - there is some hope, to see the patient - a slow recovery; see healthy - illness and the taking of medicine - loss.


A doctor, therapist, or other healing professional can represent healing someone or something, or fixing a problem. Visiting a doctor for help for a health problem can mean you're subconsciously seeking help or answers regarding a problem in your life (physical or otherwise). A doctor healing you can represent spiritual or other assistance provided to you.