Dream » F » Fire

Dream «Fire»

If you had a scene from a computer game where your character comes under attack, in real life, you have to come down a whole lot of problems and troubles.

If you dream you can see how the fire exposed to any location in the fighting, the reality depresses you kind of problem to solve it by yourself you can not.

Modern dream book

Futile dreams.

East female dream book

Had a scene from a computer game, where your character comes under attack - hence, you will fall for a whole bunch of problems and troubles. To see how the fire exposed to any location - to a series of unpleasant news.


Being aware of the heat of a fire is to be aware of someone elses strong feelings. Baptism by fire signifies a new awareness and awakening of spiritual power and transformation created sometimes through extremes of emotion. Fire is a valid Western symbol of the spiritual energy known as Kundalini, which rises from the base of the spine to the crown of the head and brings with it a shift in perception. A fire bucket, as with any hollow vessel, can represent the feminine principle. Psychologically, fire often appears in dreams as a symbol of cleansing and purification. We can use the life-giving and generative power to change our lives. Sometimes fire indicates the need to use our sexual power to good effect. To dream of being burnt alive may express our fears of a new relationship or phase of life. We may also be conscious that we could suffer for our beliefs. As a symbol, the fire bucket indicates that we may have a situation around us that is out of control. The interpretation will depend on whether the bucket is full or empty for it is often only by a display of 'dampening' emotion that there can be any progress. Fire in a dream can suggest passion and desire in its more positive sense, and frustration, anger, resentment and destructiveness in its more negative. It will depend on whether the fire is controlled or otherwise on the exact interpretation. To be more conscious of the flame of the fire would be to be aware of the energy and strength that is available to us. A fire basket draws our attention to the fact that these energies can be contained; whereas a fire bucket, particularly if it is filled with sand, suggests such energies should be smothered.

Freud’s dream book

This is a bad sign when it burns you, but an auspicious one when it provides comfort. To build a fire portends an adventure with a person of the opposite sex. To dream of setting fire to a building is a sign of impending harm. If you dream of putting out a fire, you will overcome your enemies. Looking at a building that is on fire means that you will have a call on your sympathy.

Hasse’s dream book

Fire can represent passion and anger, and can also mean transition. If you dream of being caught in a fire, a transition will be difficult. If you dream of being warmed by a fire and the feeling in your dream is positive, it is a symbol of illumination, transformation and enlightenment. You are waking up to the positive powers within you. To dream of being burned by fire indicates that your temper is getting out of control. Some issue or situation is burning you up inside. To dream that a house is on fire signifies passion and loving companions.

Miller’s dream book

Fire is favorable to the dreamer if he does not get burned. It brings continued prosperity to seamen and voyagers, as well as to those on land. To dream of seeing your home burning, denotes a loving companion, obedient children, and careful servants. For a business man to dream that his store is burning, and he is looking on, foretells a great rush in business and profitable results. To dream that he is fighting fire and does not get burned, denotes that he will be much worked and worried as to the conduct of his business. To see the ruins of his store after a fire, forebodes ill luck. He will be almost ready to give up the effort of amassing a handsome fortune and a brilliant business record as useless, but some unforeseen good fortune will bear him up again. If you dream of kindling a fire, you may expect many pleasant surprises. You will have distant friends to visit. To see a large conflagration, denotes to sailors a profitable and safe voyage. To men of literary affairs, advancement and honors; to business people, unlimited success.

Nostradamus’s dream book

A fire is also a complex omen in a dream and must be interpreted in light of the actions connected with it. To see a house burning down in a dream is the warning that a close relative needs help from you desperately. If the fire burns you, you will have bad luck, if not, then you will have good luck. A small fire in the fireplace shows contentment in the dreamer, but if you stir it with a poker you will soon have a romantic adventure. If you manage to put out a destructive fire then you will overcome the obstacles in your path of life.

Dream book of Vanga

With fear: The disintegration of something, loss, unwanted change. Danger lurks somewhere. With curiosity: Re-think what your options are. A new perspective is needed.

Dream book of the Wanderer

The fire — pure and without smoke - change to the best; fulfillment of desires; sometimes - literally. Some houses burn - happiness. Already burned down house, a big fire - trouble, misfortune. Flashed suddenly - quarrel in the house. The burning sheds, houses - the failure put, hopes. To observe the fire from outside - it is good, to be in the burning construction - badly.


Clarification of soul, confession.

Lunar Dream Book


Medieval dream book of Daniil

To see the fire — to danger of death.

Old Russian Dream Book


Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

Warm emotions, but also any passion and desire. Affect. Being a life symbol, fire also a symbol of absorption and destruction, as well as a mouth. Association of a mouth and a flame is expressed in "fire uvula" and "ardent words". Archetype of updating and choice of the Youthful circle of archetypes. Initiation experience symbolics. Are present at dynamics of development of a mytheme of fire also "combustion from passion", "extinct hopes", "shining another, I burn down". In relation to a body fire is associated by heart and love (ardent love).

Schiller School student’s dream book

Illness for cold.

Slavic dream book

To losses or danger

Snotolkovatel (1829)

The fire seen in a dream, foretells loss and a loss.

Ukrainian Dream Book

The fire – quarrel. The fire – love and wealth. Secret love. If the fire in the house dreams, there will be efforts.

Azar’s dream book

Scandal, bad luck around.

Esoteric Dream Book

You can kill excessive emotion, passion, affection. Kindle Fire - be the object of other people's excessive emotions. Extinguish the fire - fight their passions. Lights - despite what. For example: your home - passion, excessive emotionality ruining your health.

Freud’s dream book

To see a fire in a dream - you will soon fall in love, and your feeling will be mutual. You remarkably will approach each other, and in the sex you have a absolute compatibility and harmony.


Summer — to heat in the winter - frost.

Henry Rommel

Bright, light, heating, but not burning fire- sign of good opportunities in the future, often unrealizable.Burning fire - to quarrels, sorrow, all sorts of troubles.Something burning in your soul marks the emergence of a new sense.Fire in the stove in the outbreak - to prosperity; Fire in the sky - to the high cost, hunger and trouble.Wandering lights - to communicate with friends.Fire with smoke - to the danger; the fire from the ground - to the disease; Fire on the water - a great happiness.Stood among the fire - get someone's patronage; burn in the fire - to the illness or unrequited love.Fight the fire - to the hectic work.Kindle Fire - a pleasant surprise.Fading wherever it may fire charred house things - unfortunately.To dream of the fire - a favorable sign for the sailors, hikers, farmers.Big fire - a successful sea voyage.For writers - success and honor; business - a great success in affairs.

Islamic dream interpretation

If someone sees in a dream the fire, bringing harm - it is a war and enmity, and if the fire is harmless - to cholera and plague - but deliver us from their Lord!.

Kopalinskogo Dream Book

Just burning — the threat from enemies; fire - a great joy; fading - someone's death; lighting the fire - the emergence of important ideas, design; with smoke - a quarrel; without smoke - happiness.

Loff’s dream book

Fire has always evoked overwhelming fear among representatives of different cultures, However, it is still often associated with cleaning up: get out of the fire unharmed - so clear. But if you dream that you are burning, therefore, it seems life threatening and extremely painful. If burning an object (house, car, etc.), it shows your excessive attachment to the thing: without it you simply can not imagine life. According to Freud, fire symbolizes virility. If you interpret the dream in this way, the fire shows that you seek to master the situation and the extent of control over it. If you dream you cope successfully with the flame, and then in real life you hold the situation under control, and vice versa. Whether you are putting into question its own ethical? Whether you are looking after the cleansing of any wrongdoing? Do you feel that your life is about to come to pass some significant turn, requires spiritual training and rethinking?.

Miller’s dream book

To dream the fire - well, if you do it does not burn up. He promises lasting prosperity sailors, travelers, everyone who works on the ground. Seeing your house burning - means loving friends and obedient children. If the employer sees the burning his shop - it means a rapid pace in the development of profitable business. Fight fire and prevent it to flare up - promises you restless work. To see the charred walls of his shop (warehouse, etc.)- Predicts misfortune. you're ready to stop fighting for good luck in business, considering it useless, but the fate of a sudden again support you. If you dream you Kindle Fire - you expect a pleasant surprise. You will be able to visit their distant friends. Seeing the big fire - means for sailors successful and safe swimming. Writers it promises success and honors business people - boundless good luck in business.

Hasse’s dream book

With the fire - get a good position, no fire - you will lose the place.

Nostradamus’s dream book

The fire — a symbol of passion, of carnal desires, sudden capture the idea of ​​desire for change. Fight fire - it means that the unrest will escalate into an organized movement, which will not be easy to stop and prevent the impossible. Take part in the arson - a symbol of decisive changes, which will be triggered by unfair treatment, sleep disorder problems and promises. To save man from the fire - a symbol of the tragic outcome of an event that long haunted, kept in suspense, and required a lot of effort. See the fire in the room - a symbol of betrayal that will happen with the consent of both sides, but eventually bring problems that turn into the most unexpected adventures and disasters. See horses, rushing to a fire, - it means that 2038 will be entered into the greatest number of marriages for the entire century, and this year will be the beginning of solving the demographic problem for many countries. Seeing the ashes remaining after the fire - a symbol of the invention of a new housing project that will provide everyone a worthy place of residence. Seeing the fire, caught fire from lightning - means to meet the main man of his life under unusual circumstances.

Russian Dream Book

Summer — to heat in the winter - to frost.

Dream interpretation of Simon the Zealot

To see the falls from the sky - you will need to move the injustice; escape through the fire - get rid of the annoying of flattery; Artificial - short-lived happiness; Lights baggage - entertainment fun.

Tsvetkov’s dream book

Impossible dreams; disappointment; a quarrel in their personal lives; burn body - a bad name; burning sensation - new friendships, exciting lead; in the oven - the wealth; fire and smoke - danger.

Ukrainian Dream Book

As a dream the fire - a bad omen to be with someone quarrel or dispute. Fire - a thief. Fire - quarrel, and unexpected. Generally it is an evil dream. As the dream of a great fire, it is something you will quarrel with the neighbors, but as a small - this is a quarrel between the family in the house. Fire - it is a nuisance, a quarrel. Fire anticipated news. The fire, the fire - before money. Smoldering trees - a quarrel; -opasnost put out the fire, someone can maim, beware. In a fire, the fire from: the bees that fly over the house; a man who walks at night in the house; bumblebee a person has; many dogs running around the house. If you dream that a fire is burning in the oven - someone will come. The fire in the furnace disease. Wandering light - will drive you and deceive.

Dream book of Vanga

To dream on fire a piece of paper - a strong fire, the result of which will be destroyed all the forests of the world. The world's population will experience an acute need for wood, paper and, of course, the air. To dream the approaching fire from the sky - a sign that in the future the world is threatening a large meteorite or comet.


A flame or fire can represent light or life, heat, destruction, cleansing, or getting rid of the old before bringing in the new.A fire igniting can represent a trigger or a beginning of a process likely to bring life, heat, destruction, cleansing, etc. For more clues, consider what started the fire, what it represents, and how you feel about it.