Dream » F » Fountain

Dream «Fountain»

Fountain — a reflection of the release of emotion for a spiritual revival. Reflection waste of emotional energy.

Freud’s dream book

If you had a valid fountain, then a surge of feelings and emotions in which you had to order bored, waiting for you in the very near future. Perhaps ahead of a meeting with the person you have not seen or with whom relations have recently left much to be desired. Broken, fountain inoperative - a sign that you should not so much rely on the forthcoming meeting. There is a possibility that it will take place is not quite well - very great opportunity to quarrel. Several fountains seen you in a dream - it is impossible to pull longer; You have long to make a choice, and you, for some reason, still can not do it.

Miller’s dream book

If you had a fountain, whose jets - clean, clear - glittered in the sunlight, it's a good sign, heralding prosperity, good mood, pleasant travel. The sparkling fountain, illumined by the light of the moon, dreams of a young woman - she plunged into the vortex of frivolous entertainment and pleasure, the end of which will be full of dramatic incident. The fountain was visible through the haze, as if through a fog - will meet with insincerity; affairs of the heart will be marked by a failure. Withered, broken fountain - a sign of the coming disaster.

Tsvetkov’s dream book

Great joy, surprise.

Hasse’s dream book

Awaiting your good life.

Esoteric Dream Book

The jet — a passionate love, the storm of feelings. The FA unusual, with sculptural details and colorful jets - the relationship varied and hot; stronger than jet - the more passion. Drip - to negative emotions caused by the betrayal and hurt.

Ancient French dream book

Fountain — a dream awaiting you with joy and genuine love of those you care about.

Azar’s dream book

New troubles.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

Regeneration. Intuition. Spiritual source. Look closely at this dream.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

It is a perfect symbol of intuition, the release of emotion and spiritual renewal. If the water fountain crystal clear, it means your spiritual source. The fountain can also symbolize the fountain of youth.

Dream book of the Maya

Good znachenieSimvoly Mayan dream book adapted to modern times. If you dream that you drink water from a fountain in the near future you will not have health problems. For this brew coffee on the water from the fountain (in the ancient world, the water from the fountain was considered the best quality, so you can just make coffee in a clean and quality water). ZnachenieEsli bad you had a dream that you are swimming in the fountain, soon you will have problems with digestion. To avoid this, cook 3:00 chili in salt water and drink before going to bed in 1 tbsp. spoonful of broth.

New family dream book

Fountain with clean, sparkling in the sun streams symbolizes prosperity, happiness and all sorts of fun. If you see a fountain through the haze, as if in a daze, you may run into insincerity loved one. Dried-up fountain and a broken dream to trouble. The young woman, who saw in a dream a sparkling fountain in the moonlight to be a lot of reckless entertainment. But it is better not to participate in them, as they may end up rather dramatically.

East female dream book

If the fountain all which is filled in with a moonlight, so dreamed you you differ in excessive dedication and can offer everything for the sake of illusive happiness.

Modern dream book

If you dream you see a fountain, which sprays are playing in the sun with all the colors of the rainbow, then this dream promises material prosperity and carefree life If you have seen a fountain like a hazy, then you should not trust your friends an odd or even lover. Dried-up fountain means that in your life, there comes a black band. For a young woman to see the fountain in the moonlight means that for the sake of illusory happiness she can sacrifice a real joy and peace.

Snotolkovatel (1829)

To see the fountain to the patient will presage health, and to other people - honor and wealth.


Spiritually a fountain symbolizes Eternal Life and is a direct reference to the Fountain of Immortality, an image seen in many systems of belief. In dreams, the fountain, by its association with water, often represents the mother figure or perhaps the source of our emotions. To dream of a fountain means that we are aware of the generative principle, the process of life and ?flow? of our own consciousness. Because of its connection with water, it also represents the surge of our emotions, and often our ability to express this. The fountain can also represent an element of play in our lives and the need to be free-flowing and untroubled. To some extent it will depend which part of the fountain is more noticeable in dreams as to its relevance. The bowl or pool usually represents the feminine and the fountain itself the masculine. Consult the entry for Water for further clarification.

Nostradamus’s dream book

A well filled, and merrily trickling fountain is a sign of prosperity and luck. If the fountain you dream of is old, or clogged up, then you will have a few setbacks that could bring you a short period of poverty.

Dream book of the Wanderer

The fountain — pleasure; help; new vital forces.


To observe — to test; if water F drops. got on you - to troubles at work and if were wetted and behind - with neighbors.

Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

Fountain (or font). Mother. Feminity or certain woman. Revival, internal power source. Youth "fountain".

Schiller School student’s dream book

New source of extensive benefits.

Slavic dream book

To strengthening of health and wealth

Ukrainian Dream Book

The fountain – big pleasure, surprise; money.


To dream of a fountain with a clean, sparkling in the sun streams means prosperity, intoxicating joy, pleasant trip.See the fountain through the haze, as if in a fog - foreshadows that you will encounter insincerity, and in matters of the heart you will fail. Dry and broken fountain - a sign of trouble. If a young woman dreaming of a sparkling fountain in the moonlight - the dream promises her a whirlwind of reckless fun that completed a very dramatic events. Alternative interpretation of what does it mean when you dream about fountain

If you dream you see a fountain splashes who play in the sun all the colors of the rainbow then this dream promises material prosperity and carefree life. If seen your fountain if hazy, then you should not be odd to trust your friends and even loved ones. Dry Fountain means that your life comes a black stripe. For a young woman to see a fountain in the moonlight means that for the sake of an illusory happiness, she can sacrifice the real joy and peace.

Henry Rommel

Beautiful fountain in jets which sparkles It shimmers in the sun and clean water; waterfalls, fountains system - a beautiful dream that promises only good.This can be in reality a new source of great income, a great joy, a pleasant surprise, recovery.Junior promises a dream-like beauty of courtship and purity of feelings.If jet fountain can be seen as if through a haze, there is a fear to face insincerity.Dry or broken fountain - unfortunately.Walking near the fountain in the moonlight - a messy entertainment with a sad ending.If the fountain of wine instead of water, you will live in luxury.

Miller’s dream book

To dream of a fountain with a clean, sparkling in the sun streams means prosperity, intoxicating joy pleasant trip. To see the fountain through the haze, as if in a fog - foretells that you will encounter insincerity; in matters of the heart, and you will fail. Dry and broken fountain - a sign of misfortune. If a young woman dreaming of a sparkling fountain in the moonlight - the dream promises her a whirlwind of reckless entertainment that will be completed very dramatic events.

Dream interpretation of Simon the Zealot

Look forward to a good life, a new source of profit.

Ukrainian Dream Book

The fountain — large joy, surprise; money.


Abundance, infinite amount, or enough. Quenching or satisfying. Life force or flowing forth from the source.