Dream » Q » Question

The interpretation of the dream «Question»

Question — a reflection of a healthy interest or curiosity. The need to find an answer. Reflection persistent search unnecessary, by and large, the answer.

Esoteric Dream Book

Are set by you – you too self-confident in life.

Miller’s dream book

To ask the question in a dream on the merits - means that you suspect any of those you love, infidelity and be wary of his tricks. Ask a question in his sleep - which means that you will defend the truth with conviction and succeed. If you dream about something you are asking themselves, in real life, you will be treated unfairly.

New family dream book

If you ask a question in a dream – will defend with conviction the truth and will achieve success.

East female dream book

You ask questions? Means, you will seek to live honestly and you will succeed in it. If dreamed that you ask questions of any subjects, – you will suffer from unreasonable jealousy and at the same time to be ashamed of the thoughts. If questions are asked you – be ready to that with you will arrive unfairly.

Modern dream book

If in a dream you ask questions, in reality you will seek to live honestly and will succeed in it. If dreamed you that you ask questions of any subjects, in real life you will suffer from unreasonable jealousy and at the same time to be ashamed of the thoughts. If questions are asked you, you should be ready to that with you will arrive unfairly.

Snotolkovatel (1829)

To ask the question in a dream on the merits - means that you suspect any of those you love, infidelity and be wary of his tricks.

Ask a question in his sleep - which means that you will defend the truth with conviction and succeed.

If you dream about something you are asking themselves, in real life, you will be treated unfairly.

Dream book of lovers

If you dream you ask a serious question that you hope to receive a response, it means that you are in doubt about the feelings of his beloved, and suspect him of infidelity. If your boyfriend asks you for something, in reality, it will cost you dishonestly.


Spiritual questioning and enquiry lead to greater knowledge. The question of the meaning of life is, of course, a perennial one. Questions of any type will often appear in dreams when we are reaching a new stage of spiritual awareness. If we have a question in waking life which needs answering, by keeping it in mind before going to sleep we may often find the answer through dreams. When we ask questions in a dream we are indicating a degree of self-doubt. To have someone asking us questions in dreams shows that we are aware that we have some kind of knowledge available to us. If the question cannot be answered, we may need to seek the answer ourselves through other means.

Freud’s dream book

In general, it is good luck to ask questions in a dream; but if someone questions you and you are unable to answer, the augury is not propitious.

Miller’s dream book

To ask a matter of substance in a dream – means that you suspect any of those whom love, in incorrectness and will be afraid of its tricks.


Ask a dream substantive question - means that you suspect any of those you love, infidelity and be wary of his tricks. ask questions during sleep - means that you will defend the truth with conviction and succeed. If you own a dream about something ask, in real life, you will be treated unfairly. Alternative interpretation of what does it mean when you dream about question

If you dream you are wondering what in reality you will strive to live honestly and succeed in this. If you had a dream that you ask questions about any items, in real life you will suffer from ill-founded jealousy and at the same time ashamed of his thoughts. If questions are asked to you, you should be prepared for the fact that you wronged.

Henry Rommel

To ask questions in a dream:a) suspecting their loved ones infidelity, insincerity;b) to seek justice and to achieve this success.If you own something ask you unfair cost.

Miller’s dream book

Ask a dream substantive question - means that you suspect any of those you love, infidelity and be wary of his tricks. Ask a question in his sleep - it means that you will defend the truth with conviction and succeed. If you own a dream about something ask, in real life, you will be treated unfairly.


Asking a question can mean you're trying to get guidance, understand something, find information, or solve a problem in real life.Someone else asking you a question mean you feel someone's trying to understand or get something from you—information or otherwise—in real life.Being interrogated can mean you're feeling taken advantage of or intruded upon for the benefit of someone else somehow in your life.