Dream » R » Ring

The interpretation of the dream «Ring»

Any ring — a reflection of the Force.

Tsvetkov’s dream book


Modern dream book

Funny wedding.

Hasse’s dream book

See the ring - for sympathy and gay marriage; get a gift - to the faithful love; wearing a wedding - the wedding and a happy family life; lose - to the chagrin of.

Ancient French dream book

Dreamed ring — a symbol of a new friendship, love or marriage. A wedding, a gold or silver ring dreams for a happy family life and a host of famous kids. Give someone a ring - the dream is calling you to believe the heart, which is full of affection to you. Gave the ring to you - you truly love. Breaking the ring in a dream - friends are not sincere, you will quarrel with them.

Loff’s dream book

Dreamed ring can impersonate a contract or laying over of certain obligations - such as those related to marriage.

In some cases, rings are an indication of the dreamer's desire to commit themselves or to make sure that others have committed against him or to any entity.

If dreamed magic ring, it could mean that the dreamer was the fate of supernatural powers.

"Wheat circles" or rings painted on the ground related to the protection, since the ring is the boundary, which is not allowed to cross the evil forces. In dreams of this kind you can feel anxiety because inexorably approaching you feel the circumstances and the need for intercession.

Ring in the dream was found or you do it yourself? Do you have the feeling that you are able to control it? Remember, maybe someone has used this ring to obtain power over you, and if so, who was it.

Esoteric Dream Book

To hear – gossips, chatter.

Dream book of Vanga

Ring — a personification of the circle of events, unresolved issues of loyalty, affection, oaths.

On a loved one finger to put the ring - a dream suggests that you always keep my promises, and remain faithful to one's own feelings.

A stranger at your hand wears a wedding ring - get unexpected help in solving a problem for a long time tormenting.

Unsuccessful attempts to pick up a ring the size of saying that you do not experience a cardiac affection to anyone.

Bad, if the ring flew off with your fingers: you face a severe test of life for violating words and oaths of loyalty.

Miller’s dream book

If you dream you are wearing the ring in his hand - so ahead of you new business, in which you'll be lucky. Broken ring means quarrels and unhappiness in married, affairs and break relations for Lovers. If a girl will dream ring - so her excitement associated with the lover behind, because from now on he dedicated himself entirely to its present and future. To dream of a ring on the other - is to grow your wealth and new acquaintances.

Snotolkovatel (1829)

If you dream you are wearing the ring in his hand - so ahead of you new business, in which you'll be lucky.

Broken ring means quarrels and unhappiness in married, affairs and break relations for Lovers.

If a girl will dream ring - so her excitement associated with the lover behind, because from now on he dedicated himself entirely to its present and future.

To dream ring on the other - is to grow your wealth and new acquaintances.

Azar’s dream book

To hear an evening ring – the grief will be replaced by pleasure

Solomon’s dream book

Ring — a fun wedding.

Medieval dream book of Daniil

Give a ring or lose it - a loss or upsets.

Regain the Ring - promises safety.

Dream book of lovers

Broken dreams ring to discord between husband and wife. Lovers dream promises a break in relations. If the girl dreaming that she was presented with a ring, it means that she will stop worrying about her lover - he proves her love and commitment to a shared future.


Like the circle, the ring signifies eternity and divinity. It represents totality and infinity. We all need some kind of continuity in our lives, something that gives a sense of long-term comfort. A ring holds this symbolism because it is never-ending and is self-perpetuating. To be ringing someone in a dream suggests we are trying to make contact with something important. A ring appearing in a dream usually signifies a relationship of some sort. A wedding ring suggests a union and a promise. A ring belonging to the family would represent old traditions and values. An engagement ring suggests a more tentative promise of devotion. An eternity ring would be a long-term promise. A signet ring would indicate setting the seal on something. A bullring suggests an element of cruelty. You might like to consult the entries for Hole, Telephone, Wedding/Wedding Dress/Wedding Ring as well as the information on Circle in Shapes/Patterns.

Aesop’s dream book

About the person who likes to argue about what does not understand, or likes to gossip speak: "He does not know what he is talking about".

Dream book of Health

To hear a bell ring – you need spiritual clarification updating; For the patient – usually recovery, is more rare (for the seriously ill patient) – the end, depending on character of a ring is close.

East female dream book

You hear how bells call? Someone from your acquaintances is threatened by serious danger. For you such dream foretells sincere troubles. The festive peal is heard to a victory over enemies. The dream in which ring a door, symbolizes any news. Dreamed, what you call to someone by telephone? The meeting with friends which will bring one chagrin is necessary to you. If you hear an alarm clock call, however, having woken up, you understand that it is a dream, – you need suit yourself small vacation, otherwise you risk to get sick from overfatigue.

Longo’s dream book

To hear in a dream a ring – you expect the fast news connected with your career. In the first week after a dream job search will be successful. You should consider many favorable and interesting offers before choosing something one, really standing. The silent ring symbolizes quiet, ordinary life. The loud ring foretells a big event which literally will turn your life.

Noble dream book of N. Grishina

To hear a ring of a bell - news, kind embassy.

Azar’s dream book


Esoteric Dream Book

With stones — to sadness. See. A stone. Wedding - divorce, non-fulfillment of marital expectations. Historic - you prepared for a partner with whom you are karmically connected. You will bring fate! Other (large or object in the form of a ring, such as a hoop) - "go in a circle," do not look forward.

Freud’s dream book

To see the ring in his sleep - waking you often the cause of family strife and conflict, as is still undecided and, therefore, pose a threat to married couples. Try on or wear a ring in a dream - you'll soon fall in love with a man who hitherto did not notice. He will appear in a completely new way that will force you to change the prevailing opinion about it.


Affection, wedding wear - a wedding and a happy marriage; to lose - a nuisance; receive - true love.

Henry Rommel

Wedding ring — a symbol of marriage.Wear ring on a finger yourself or someone - for the wedding; shoot - divorce.Other rings - friendship, good luck in business, welfare.Broke lose the ring: for a woman - to the loss of a loved one; for men - a loss in the affairs of the partners, which had hoped.Iron ring - a sign of the profit produced by hard work.

Islamic dream interpretation

If someone sees in a dream that has on hand a ring of iron or silver, that according to their position or rise to greatness and honor, or to marry a wealthy woman or child will be fine.

Miller’s dream book

If you dream you are wearing in hand ring - so ahead of you new business in which you're lucky. Broken ring means quarrels and unhappiness in the married, affairs and relationships break for lovers. If a girl in a dream ring - hence its excitement associated with loved ones behind, because from now on he devoted himself entirely to its present and future. To dream of a ring in the other - an increase of your well-being and meet new people.

Russian Dream Book

Cheerful the wedding.

Dream interpretation of Simon the Zealot

Affection ; wearing a wedding - a wedding and a happy marriage; to lose - a nuisance; receive - true love.

Tsvetkov’s dream book

Bid bond; lose - divorce, separation.

Ukrainian Dream Book

"The ring — the bride "" Ring - wedding. Signet find - happiness. Before the wedding dream ring Gorny, no pebbles ("door peephole"). Sometimes half of the ring light, clear and dark another. "As a dream girl ring, then get married, but as a woman, the widowed".

Dream book of Vanga

The emergence of the dream of the ring symbolizes the circle of events, unsolved problems, attachment, pledge, allegiance. In a dream you put into the hands of a loved one ring - this dream symbolizes your loyalty to your feelings and promises.