Dream » T » Trees

The interpretation of the dream «Trees»

To dream heralds the onset of flowering trees, perhaps the happiest moment in your life. Burning wood in the forest, open arms fire, foretells that in reality you will incur substantial losses.

Dry trees do not bode well, you will no longer be respected for what, in your opinion, does not deserve condemnation. The trees in the garden, hung with ripe fruit, they say that you are lucky enough to find a new good friend.

Felled tree heralds the regret of Lost Dreams. Big old tree with a huge canopy - promise a significant return.

Trees without leaves in winter, covered with snow or covered with frost - a sign that the loss suffered by you, is irreparable.

To dream exotic trees in the course of an exciting journey - to the fact that all the sorrows and sadness quickly forgotten, replaced by a cheerful mood and cheerfulness.

Wriggle out by the roots out of the ground in the wake of Hurricane tree portends sorrow, anguish and despair. Lightning split a tree - a quarrel with your friends.

Tree bark on the trunk portends painful, feeble old age in loneliness and poverty. Wet after a shower - a change in the marital relationship in the negative direction. Sawn into logs and sawn wood - a sign of death and mourning. Valuable tree species-it-yourself - to the hassle that will pay homage handsomely.

Breaking or cutting down trees in a dream - a loss and unfortunately. Plant trees under the house - a harbinger of imminent wealth and prosperity. Climb a tree - gain power. Fall from the tree - in reality experience humiliation, ridicule and insult.

Saw trees — fortunately, bear with someone - PUNCTURE of physical activity. Sitting under a tree is valuable information, which significantly advance your business. Burn trees - to yield depressing mood. Extinguish - the loss of property and deprivation of rights.

Swim in the tree on the water means the end of hopes and a complete change of opinion.

Consider sleeping trees - in reality be a concern for children. Buy tree seedlings - fuck it's a hassle. Seeing patients infected with worms trees - a waste of there, which was supposed to save.

Seeing someone in a dream turned into a tree - a disease.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

Domestic proceedings. Family tree. Symbol of life. Do you feel that its roots go deep into the ground, but at the same time ascend to the heights of the spirit. Each tree has its own special character. Knotty old tree is wisdom and strength. Slender willow may indicate flexibility. Aspen symbolizes fear, as the shaking, as if from fear. Oak signifies power. Pine and spiritual clarity and cleansing. Cedar - purity; spirituality. Apple tree - cm. "Apple". Any fruit tree says about the fruits of your labor. Palm tree - a symbol of warmth and freedom. The interpretation may vary depending on the bloom leaves on a tree, at the peak of development, or fall completely devoid of tree leaves. Trunk of the tree straight or curved? It reflects the life of the tree.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

Trees are the most common and traditional symbols in the world - the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge. Trees can also be a symbol of your personal development. Tree roots that go deep into the ground point to your earthly life, while the branches, rising to the heavens, symbolizing your higher self. Staying grounded, you soar into the higher realms of the spirit. Each tree has its own special character. What is it, straight or twisted? Knotty old tree may symbolize wisdom and strength. Slender willow may indicate flexibility. Key to symbols tree varies depending on whether it punched leaves turned green if it began to leaf fall, or it is completely devoid of leaves. Aspen symbolizes fear, as the shaking, as if from fear. Oak, the sacred tree of the Celts, symbolizes strength. Pine can point to spiritual clarity and cleansing. Palm tree - a symbol of warmth and freedom, and fruit-trees suggest that it is time to gather the fruit in this life. The tree may also apply to family matters, such as your family tree. Learn the different signs in the neighborhood, to understand how this character can relate to your family.

Ancient Zedkielya dream book

Beautiful trees covered with dense foliage or fruit trees in bloom or covered with fruits - all of which bodes well-being, prosperity and progress in agriculture, in commerce and maritime affairs. If you love seeing the trees in bloom or covered with fruit - it promises him a truly happy marriage, a peaceful life together and the joy that he subsequently grant children. See felled trees - a loss: Your friends will leave far away from you or dangerously ill. Upset and your own affairs. In the dream, climbing trees - a warning about the many difficulties and dangerous traps that will send you into the fate of the test.

Miller’s dream book

If you dream you see a tree in the young leaves - then all your plans and dreams come true. Dead trees symbolize sadness and loss. Climbing a tree in a dream - is quick promotion. Cut down a tree in a dream, or pull it from the back - which means that you foolishly squandered their power and wealth. To dream forest - for a change in the affairs of. Green forests bode luck, leafless - for changes, detrimental to your interests. Wildfire promises completion of plans, well-being and perhaps even prosperity. If you dream you are busy chopping wood, it heralds the beginning of the struggle for success, which will end brilliantly for you. If you dream you roam in the dense forest, then you are waiting for service failures and family disputes. If you are frozen and thus feel hungry - you expect an unpleasant trip. Admiring the dream majestic canopy of green, you get the sign of future success and glory. Fallen leaves rustling underfoot, you may include the loss of. If you dream of a dead forest with dead trees - expect disappointments.

Azar’s dream book

Flowering — success, joy, felled - loss.


Spiritually the tree symbolizes the Tree of Life and represents the union of heaven, earth and water. When we learn and understand our own Tree we are able to live life successfully on all levels. The tree is symbolic in dreams of the basic structure of our inner lives. When one appears in our dreams it is best to work with the image fairly extensively. A tree with wide branches would suggest a warm loving personality, whereas a small close-leafed tree would suggest an uptight personality. A well-shaped tree would suggest a well-ordered personality, while a large, messy tree would suggest a chaotic personality. Branches signify the stages of growth we go through, and leaves suggest the way we communicate to the rest of the world. To be climbing the tree suggests we are looking at our hopes and abilities, in order to succeed. To be chopping a tree down indicates the need for a complete overhaul of our beliefs and ideals and symbolizes radical change. The roots of a tree are said to show our connection with ourselves and the earth. It could be more accurate to suggest that they signify our ability to belong to the practical side of life, to enjoy being here. Spreading roots would indicate an ability to relate well to the physical, and, conversely, deep-rootedness would suggest a more self-contained attitude. The trunk of the tree gives an indication of how we use the energies available to us, and also what exterior we present to the world. A rough trunk suggests obviously a rough and ready personality, whereas a smoother trunk would indicate more sophistication. Consult the entries for Trees and Wood for further information.

Hasse’s dream book

Lush green trees in your dreams symbolize new hopes, growth and desires. If you dream of climbing a tree, you will achieve your career goals and reach those high places in society. The degree of difficulty with which you climb the tree will reflect the speed with which you achieve these goals. To dream that you cut down a tree means you are wasting your energy, time, and money on foolish pursuits.


Flowering — success, joy, felled - loss.

Islamic dream interpretation

Devastated condition of the trees - to the deterioration of women's morals, and the freshness and purity of the foliage with flowers and fruits on them - to the good of women. The leaves of the trees means gold and silver coins.

Miller’s dream book

If you dream you see a tree in the young leaves - so all your plans and dreams come true. Dead trees symbolize sadness and loss. Climbing in a dream, on a tree - means rapid promotion. Cut down a tree in a dream, or pull it from its roots - it means that you foolishly squandered their strength and wealth. To dream forest - to changes in business. Green Forest promise luck, leafless - to change, detrimental to your interests. Wildfire promises the completion of plans, well-being and perhaps even wealth. If you dream you are busy chopping wood, it heralds the beginning of the struggle for success, culminating brilliantly for you. If you dream you roam in a dense forest, then you are waiting for the failure of the service, and family discord. If you felt chilly, and at the same time you feel hungry - you expect unpleasant trip. Admiring dream majestic green foliage, you get a sign of the future success and glory. Fallen leaves rustling underfoot, can promise you the loss. If you dream of a dead forest with dead trees - expect disappointment.

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