Meaning of name «Abram»

Origin and meaning: Speaking form of the name Abraham derived from the Hebrew name 'Abrām - «exalted father".

Name-: October 22, November 11, April 8,

Main character traits: Abram hard and insistent. He is sociable.

Emotional manifestations: Vital energy implicit in the name of Abram, colossal. Has a good sense of humor.

Job and Career: Abram can succeed in business and medicine. Can also be realized in the works.

Love and family: In most cases, the outward calm Abram - this is just a public mask, and it is often negative emotions find an outlet in endless family conflicts and scandals.

Middle: Abramovich Abramovna.

Derivatives: Abramkov Abraha, Abrash.

Favorable associations: Victoria Eve Helen, Olga

Adverse associations: Vasilisa Vera, Daria Nina Emma

Zodiac: Libra, Aries, Pisces.

heavenly body: Saturn.

Color: Brown-red, dark brown.

Birthstone: Sapphire, turquoise, green jasper.

Totemic plant: Maple bell.

Totemic creature: Baran.

Energy and Karma name: vital energy implicit in the name of Abram, is enormous, but, unfortunately, give a child a name, Abram necessarily assumes negative karma of the Jewish people, the eternal wanderer and exile. One can argue about whether it is right that, but more importantly, the fact that negative attitudes toward Jews, alas, there. Long since become a household name can turn a life of its possessor a tragedy that can either lead to the suppression and humiliation of the person, or, conversely, a sharp conflict with the surrounding society. Only a very strong person able to maintain a balance in such a situation. In most cases, the outward calm Abram - this is just a public mask, and it is often negative emotions find an outlet in endless family conflicts and scandals.

In view of the negative impact of Karma obscheevreyskoy Abram many try to change their names to more neutral; Meanwhile, it is reminiscent of an ostrich burying his head in the sand, because you can not run away from you - and only personal work can be overcome negative karma.

The most important thing that can help Abram - is saving sense of humor, which is always able to neutralize the impotent rage and direct energy in constructive channel. You can be sure that if Abram will be able to overcome their negative karma, we have before us is truly a great man.

In general, the energy behalf favorable for Business and medicine. Many owners of this name can also find an outlet for their creative energy.

Secrets of communication: In dealing with Abram best to just show him respect. Provide attention to him, sincerely try to penetrate his problems, and maybe you can find a reliable and loyal friend.

Next name in history: Abram Ioffe (1880-1960), the eminent physicist, whose contribution to science is difficult to overestimate, is considered one of the founders of Russian physics school. Back in 1931. Joffe drew attention to the importance of the study of semiconductors as new materials for electronics and he was right - it marked the beginning of the development of research entirely new field of semiconductor technology.

has not only scientific, but also organizational talents, Joffe, was Director of the Physico-Technical Institute, headed by him created the Laboratory of semiconductors and, among other things, was a pioneer of a number of research institutes in different cities of the country.

Great teacher, Ioffe trained a whole generation of great physicists - Artsimovich, Kurchatov, Kapitsa, - without which many modern technological advances would have been inaccessible to us.