Meaning of name «Daniel»

value, origin: Name Daniel (Accel. Daniel, Daniel, old. Accel. Danilo) is derived from the Hebrew word "Daniel," which means "my judge - God," "God is my judge", "judgment of God", "the judge of God". In the Bible, Daniel - the Hebrew prophet, known as the chief soothsayer taynovidets and in the courts of kings. Was the right hand of King Nebuchadnezzar.

Name-: January 2, January 3, March 1, March 6, March 17, March 31, April 20, June 4, June 5, June 26, July 23, September 12, September 25 October 4, December 9, December 11, December 12, December 24, December 30

Zodiac name: Gemini.

Planet: Mercury.

Color name: blue-gray, yellow.

Birthstone: Blue jasper.

plant: Holly, Ash, buttercup.

Animal: Sperm whale, protein.

Key features: developed intellect, good intuition, honesty, sociability.

Type: Calm, never nervous phlegmatic. Dislikes rush. In his veins flows the blood cold. Even experiencing emotional drama, trying to smile.

name and character: Daniel - a good man, never raises his voice. The crowd seems to be invisible, but his powerful mind, generosity and inexhaustible kindness soon set it apart from rivals outwardly showy. Attaches great importance to the family, kinship. This is for him - holy. Usually spends the holidays of numerous relatives. Sociable and hospitable. Very carefully about his housing, completely separated from his wife cares for his arrangement.

Fate: Refers to the men to withstand the storm. Pioneer. Leisurely in thoughts, but resolutely telen. House - a full bowl full circle things worked ancestors. Shall not lie, maybe even fire up, but then quickly moves. It sometimes seems somewhat timid - woman did not immediately make out it virility.

Psyche: Too deepened in his inner world. His family pride creator rejects arrogance. Self-respecting and respected around.

Intuition: Exceptional. Often relies on it when you do not want to work his head.

Intelligence: analytical mind allows you to navigate the good life. Besides the development of imagination and memory, but not enough curiosity.

Morality: Immaculately. But Daniel does not recognize too harsh rules. However, often it turns out to be scrupulous not to the point.

Health: Quickly tired. Although fatigue is to be distinguished from work and a certain mental state. Vacation is best done on the Water. Weaknesses - genitals and nervous system.

Sexuality: Sexual life is subordinated to feeling. It takes a long time to reveal their desires, but then everything happens very quickly. Can find common ground with Anna Tamara Angela Margaret Olesya Larissa Maya and Elizabeth.

Marriage: The first marriage is not always going well. Daniel loves children.

Favorable associations: Anna Love Lyudmila, Nina Olesya Olga Polina, Tamara Tatiana and Elvira.

Adverse associations: Angelina Elizabeth Irina and Ksenia.

Hobby: He likes to spend time at the cottage or on the nature. Can get involved in fishing or hunting. S plays soccer, enjoys wrestling, tennis, gymnastics, but only for health. Good dancing, singing in the company. Drinks a little, but it can be carried away by cards.

field activities: Can be a great expert in electronics, aircraft designer, researcher, governing several areas of work. And yet - an artist, entrepreneur, chef, driver, builder.

Business: Work for it is always the first place. Works enthusiastically - practical minds merged with improvisation. Can become a successful entrepreneur Daniel P..

Celebrities: Granik, Danin, Zhitomir, Exile, Kramer, Lokshin, Mitlyansky.

The history: Daniel F. Adashev particularly famous for daring raid on the Crimea in the spring of 1559. With 8,000 soldiers on the boats built by himself, descended the Dnieper to the sea. Took two Turkish ships, landed in the Crimea, freed a number of Christian captives, and brought terror to the Tatars, caught by surprise. When Ivan the Terrible unleashed anger on his favorite Adasheva Alexei, who opposed strengthen the power of the Romanovs, the brother of Daniel did not give up and in 1561 Mr.. lose one's head.

See also patronymics value: Danilovna and Danilovich.