Meaning of name «Yegor»

value, origin: A modified form of the name Russian folk George - patron of agriculture. In some areas of Russia Yegor - appellative name drunkard, a man of questionable behavior, and Yegor - a young moose. Colloquial form - Egory.

Name-: January 11, January 21, January 30, February 4, February 10, February 17, February 27, March 6, March 17, March 18, March 23, March 24, April 5, , April 17, April 18, April 20, April 26, May 2, May 6, May 10, May 26, May 29, June 8, June 18, June 19, June 27, July 10, August 3, August 13, 31 August September 6, October 2, October 15, November 10, November 16, November 23, December 9, December 31

Zodiac name: Sagittarius.

Planet: Jupiter.

Color name: Blue.

Birthstone: Sapphire.

plant: Poplar, lily of the valley.

Animal: White bull.

Key features: efficiency, practicality, obsession.

Type: The majority of people of deep emotion.

name and character: Egor diligent and hardworking. Loves order. Strives to expand all "on the shelves". Hates lies, protects neighbors.

Fate: It happens at least three chances in life - and fly very high, and fall with a deafening roar.

Psyche: His character is somewhat spoiled temper and grouchiness, sometimes turning into a hefty zanudlivym. Studies well, but there may be some conflicts with neponravilis teacher. Since Yegor peculiar stubbornness and distrust, in this situation it is better to transfer to another school. To the negative characteristics of his character can be attributed molestation. Characterized by some irritability, incontinence.

Intuition, intellect: The child Yegorka analytical mind. Does not tolerate cheating - in this case, you can lose it forever location.

Morality: Egor, overcame the youthful riot (it can make it far along the path of the unrighteous! ), Able to achieve significant professional achievements. However, they can blame the weakness of his drinking and excessive sensuality.

Health: On health, as a rule, does not complain.

Sexuality: Faithful once elected women. In girls it attracts more modesty. His outraged brightly dressed and ornamented women seeking to attract attention defiance. In relationships with women Yegor ingenuous. His declaration of love sincere and serious. He is incapable of deception. Although Egor and appreciates a woman straightforwardness, seriousness and integrity, but may well lose your head because of the special nature of the opposite. Heightened sexuality has Egor.

Marriage: A wonderful family man, a model host. If the wife is trying to assert its leadership in the family, does not enter the conflict, but in serious matters can be tough.

Favorable associations: with Aurora Ada, Vera, Eugenia, Hope Nina Rimma Seraphim Tatiana and Jana.

Adverse associations: with Agnia, Valeria Barbara Galina Elizabeth Louise Lyudmila, Maya and Polina.

Business: Has a good business qualities, is able to find a way out of any situation. Reliable host, does not stop there. Sometimes goes too far, but his common sense helps. If Egor is superior, it is not inconceivable that he will long berating his subordinates for any misconduct. Progressing through the ranks easily. Colleagues appreciate it dedication, commitment and integrity

Celebrities: Gaidar, Zaitsev, Letov Ligachyov, Building.

The history: Egor Petrovich Kovalevsky (1811 - 1868) - the famous traveler and writer, a mining engineer and philosopher. In 1837. at the request of Bishop Peter went to Montenegro for exploration and development of gold seams. There Yegor Petrovich, against his will, had to take an active part in border skirmishes with the Austrians. Aware that it is waiting for severe punishment, E. Kovalevsky submitted a detailed note to Emperor Nicholas. Her fields sire wrote: "Captain Kovalevsky acted like a true Russian" ... Travel and historical research gave him the material for many books that are included in a five-volume collection of works: "Four months in Montenegro", "Stranstvovatel by land and sea", "Journey to China "," Count of fornication, and his time "and many others. Kovalevsky was one of the founding members of the society to help needy writers and scholars (Literary Fund, which still exists today! ) And until his death was its chairman.

See also patronymics value: Ye Yegorovna.