Meaning of name «Thomas»

from Hebrew - twin. Grows calm, gentle and kind boy. Often similar to the maternal grandmother. Likes to draw;

is very upset if its taken away from classes in which it is fully immersed.

Thomas Small hardworking and smart: if you plead to toy screws, be sure it will bring back. Getting along with peers and friends, but still prefers adult society. Growing up, Thomas turns into a shy and modest man. Many long for this reason do not get married. They make good husbands: docile and reliable, happy wife conceding a leadership role in the family. First child, usually a girl is born. Among men with the same name many interesting, funny people who are the soul of the company - they are good storytellers, able to receive guests amuse people joke and not be offended by a joke in his address. Despite the openness to new people eyeing for a long time.

Winter also analyze the behavior and words of newly acquired friends, before being allowed into their circle. Thomas has good health, rarely go to the doctor is skeptical to different drugs. He usually golden hands: he knows how to do everything around the house, often owns several professions, but prepodchitaet on the point spread. He generally characterized by restraint when it comes to his life. Just Thomas distinguish compassion and sympathy for sick and weak. Energy and karma name Name Thomas is stable association with evangelical apostle nicknamed Unbelievers. In medieval Gnostic Thomas image became a symbol of understanding the secret teachings of Christ not through blind and unreasoning faith, but through his own mind. Primarily in the energy sector should note the name Thomas balance between curiosity, imagination and care. Also, do not leave aside such features and power, as the deepening and the desire for self-reflection. Thomas usually kept pretty quiet in society, it is quite an independent person, do not be tempted to become a leader, let alone someone else succumb to the influence of. Perhaps it can not be called an absolute skeptic, however, just like his namesake Gospel, contemporary Thomas rarely rushing to judgment. Measure twice - cut once and haste needed when catching fleas - this is his credo. Another feature inherent bearers of the name - is a tendency to balanced wit, which, incidentally, perfectly helps relieve feelings of pain and Thomas allows him to feel almost normal in any group.

Thomas quite good-natured, and its some caution in judging people only lends weight to this judgment. In general you can expect that the life of Thomas will develop quite well and without unnecessary complications. Non-conflict and sense of humor will provide him good relations both at work and in the family, and the ability to in-depth reflection and industry could bear good fruit in a profession related to the sciences or technology. Perhaps the only thing he will not be sufficient for full happiness, it's emotional openness and sincerity of feelings in relationships with loved ones. Secrets of communication usually do not advocate Thomas heated debate and philosophical discussions, he prefers to talk less and do more. On the same principle he appreciates people quite hostile to the boaster and rhetorician. However, the most easy way to ruin a relationship with him - is to try to get him through flattery wishlist.