Meaning of name «Fedor»

From the Greek - God's gift. Ted is a bit gloomy, taciturn, stubborn. It is rarely seen as ringleaders, he was always a little away from children. But parents and caregivers, and later teachers will like this boy orderly. His stuff is almost always in order, books and notebooks are a pile, and over the buttons torn Fyodor long will lament.

He fisted: neighbor's party will not give any rewritten or spy in a notebook, do not lend him a ruler or pen. Fedor at work - one of the best, it is reliable and circumstantial. With friendly companions, not a brawler, but the relationship is limited, mainly circle duties. After work, politely said goodbye, he hurried home. Artisan is able to do almost all the housework. If Fedor is a machine, it will always have it in perfect order, but just ride in it - not in his nature. He is scrupulous in observing traffic rules, rarely gets into an accident. Fedor in no hurry love. He's not one of those who on the second day after dating offer his hand and heart. First he has to make sure to choose it absolutely correct that the chosen one was given to him by God and, therefore, for life. Women impatient, expecting an easy victory, accustomed to compliments and hot confessions, can not wait to offer Fedor. He's almost the perfect husband, the perfect host, caring father. Casual relationships are unlikely. Mother-in-law respects Fedor, considered his opinion, but often try to take the grandchildren to his home, feeling that in the parental home they lack affection.

Sexuality named Theodore Theodore Sexual Life begins late when most of his friends have long partake of this sweet fruit. Fedor in no hurry loves, as thoroughly and it builds your sex life. His sexual behavior is dictated by the desire for inner peace and comfort, so that sexual matters do not distract him from performing other tasks, which he considers to be more important: to achieve a strong position, material well-being, family, parenting, children. Fedor - not the hero-lover. He decides to intimacy with a woman only by mutual consent. He can adore afar his deity, but not make a decisive step towards convergence, experiencing their passion in itself. Fedor jealous woman he considers his, must be always with him. He does not forgive betrayal, but, suspecting girlfriend of infidelity scandals are not satisfied, parted without any explanation of the relationship. Not enough for him to partner felt for him sensual attraction. Fedor wants that she loved him, and only in this case he is able to experience the full psychosexual, satisfaction, not with every partner he feels comfortable. Summer Fedor has a strong sexual excitability, he is unable to maintain a long platonic relationship with a woman from the first minutes of physical contact with the partner tends to have sexual intercourse, erotic fondling ignoring. Winter Fedor very selective in search of the partner, it is difficult to please, to the marital relationship attaches great importance to sex and married, usually a woman sensual, hot.