Meaning of name «Gennady»

Origin: Derived from the Greek word "gennadas" - a noble, well-born, noble birth.

value: Hot and fast, but not a very good name. It is perceived as something small, angular, but fun. In the cities, the name appears in a few cases, in the village - a few more.

Name-: February 22, February 5, April 5, June 5, July 5, September 13, November 30, December 17, December 18

Zodiac name: Aquarius.

Planet: Saturn.

Color name: green, red and teal.

Birthstone: Zircon.

plant: Oleander, belladonna.

Animal: Pelican.

Key features: Irritating, individualistic, "canny".

Type: Delicata, rejects rudeness.

name and character: It has a complex character. Likes to attract attention. Sly and unreliable. Loves to invent, but so beautiful and inspiring that even deceived soon forgive all. The slightest praise conceited, at the same time sensitive to criticism. Before chistoploten that wife untidiness may lead to divorce. By age becomes grouchy, but more good-natured.

Fate: Since childhood, able to adapt to circumstances. Feels good, to whom and how to act - and retains this ability for life.

Psyche: Difficult elusive temperament, often with unpredictable reaction to external influences. Characteristic combination of psycho-emotional symptoms does not allow too optimistic to judge the owner of the name. Nevertheless Gennady - optimist. This quality stems not from innate cheerfulness, and from fear to look deeper and understand the surrounding. Optimist to live peacefully.

Intuition, intellect: In case Gennady taken willingly and makes for a lot of effort to succeed. But its optionality, restlessness and poor intuition make this success problematic. Such people are called pachyderms - phlegmatic and they react poorly to trouble. Subtleties of feelings from them should not wait.

Morality: Quite indifferent to elderly parents. Usual for him and some forgetfulness, when it is necessary to pay debts. Curiously, that Gennady small growth is usually more difficult in nature, more cunning and unreliable than his namesake high.

Health: Strong. Leads an active lifestyle.

Sexuality: From lovers folded complex relationship. In seeking sex sensuality and mental calm. Patient and attentive to the partner, but it requires the full commitment. Laskoz unusually inventive and erotic games, for him they - and sports and fun. At the same time it can be a torturer, a woman delivering mental anguish. Foreplay for Gennady - a way to explore a woman. He keenly listened to her erotic experiences, he kindled by her passion. More than any other he suited Anna Elena, Inna Anastasia Marina Olesya Kira Lydia and Irina. Heightened sexuality has Gennady Borisovich.

Marriage: Future life partner chooses carefully. Requires mandatory wife perform a variety of moods and whims. If the wife would agree to such a compromise, then life would not be so bad.

Favorable associations: with him married Valentina, Vera, Irene Lydia, Love Maya Natalia Olga.

Adverse associations: Angelina Violetta, Oksana Rimma Tamara and Tatiana.

Hobby: He appreciates the warmth and comfort. Likes to sit in a well laid table.

field activities: After going through numerous setbacks, Gennady usually gets a not particularly profitable, but quiet operation and all the energy devotes Family Welfare, acting on the principle that everything in the house, nothing out of the house.

Business: Gennady adventurous. Always eager to get into the first rows, sometimes shamelessly working elbows. Able to earn and spend money efficiently, trying to cause people to envy, for I myself envious. Most successful in business Gennady those fathers who are called Basil Ivan or Peter.

Celebrities: Bortnikov Burbulis Zyuganov, Stone, Litovchenko Logofet Nazarov, Nevel, Christmas, Saveliev, Seleznev, Strekalov, Khazanov.

See also patronymics value: Gennadievna and G..