Meaning of name «Herman»

Origin: German from the Latin - "only begotten Teuton".

Name-: February 13, May 25, 11, July 20, August 12, September 24, 19, 26 November.

Color: Orange.

Key features: excitability, reaction time, sociability, intuition.

Totemic plant: Euonymus.

Totem animal: Gazelle.

Zodiac: Gemini.

Type: By the nature of these people are divided into two groups: those who are attached to their home, as their totem plant euonymus, and more restless and determined with some female character traits similar to his totem - gazelle.

Psyche: They are introverts and often turn in on themselves, but at the same time, they attached a exhibitionism - in the sense that they love to turn inside out. Talk about themselves numerous stories, often fictional.

Will: Very weak.

excitability: Such men are unbalanced, bohemian life.

Herman very impressionable mind is unstable, prone to ups and downs.

The reaction rate: Excessive. Too sensitive to failure. They have a lot of attachments, often questionable. Parents should try to get their boys were healthy lifestyle.

field activities: Study for them - the discovery of the world and its problems, the knowledge of the truths of the book. They find it difficult to concentrate, so parents useful for subsequent studies of their sons. Some of them have a great imagination and succeeding in the field of artistic or musical.

Intuition: intuitive female type.

Intelligence: They have an analytical mindset.

Susceptibility: Here is fully manifested contradictory nature of such people. They need their own nest, and if you can not twist it, then resort to families, especially mothers. But as soon as fortune smiles they can leave it and go into the world.

Morality: In their actions are not guided by moral principles; It would be good to teach these boys childhood, how they should behave in certain situations, so as not to lose your head when faced with difficulties.

Health: Not very good. Often speculate his poor health, to attract the attention of. Weaknesses - lungs, heart and nervous system.

Sexuality: Such men are absolutely no destructive tendencies. Their sex life depends on a state of mind and circumstances.

activity: Their activity is somewhat perfunctory. Easy to light up building castles in the sand, and then suddenly lose all interest in the case.

Sociability: As a child, Herman is full of charm, especially for the mother, which sometimes just being pushed around. Very sociable, they have a lot of friends, to whom love to brag and show off.

Herman most suitable middle name: Arsenjevich Y., Emilevich, Maksimovic, N., Ernestovich.

features: Health childhood is not very strong. Nervous system, stomach, lungs, heart - all require attention. However, often the boy uses his ailments to get someone's sympathy or skip schoolwork.

Herman tied to the house where he was born. He is decisive and courageous, but sometimes still shows weakness, characteristic of female nature. This introvert often withdraws into himself, but at the same time is not indifferent to flattery and compliments, adores flaunt. Describes a variety of different entertaining stories characterizing it with the best hand, but, as a rule, all fiction.

Will Herman: weak, raising his father should do. Since the baby is very excitable, nervous his life and artistic. He is susceptible, it unstable psyche with constant ups and downs. Overly sensitive to failure, often falls into despondency and even despair. It is necessary that the child led a healthy life, and the day it was diverse and fully occupied. Study for Herman - the opening of the world with all its problems, the book - comprehension of truths. He found it hard to concentrate. Parents should monitor the process of learning, to know that he is interested in, and guide him on the right path.

He has a great imagination, achieves success in the field of music, dance, modeling clothes. Intuition his female type. Analytical thinking. And he must have parental nest, and personal property, he must be sure that the father's house will always find shelter and a kind word. Often enlists the aid of the mother. But as soon as fortune favors him, he forgets about his parents and goes.

Herman is not guided by moral principles. Since childhood, the boy should be taught behaviors, learning to keep the bounds of decency. Degree of sexuality it completely depends on the state of the soul and the environment. Active work is somewhat perfunctory, it easily turns any idea, building castles in the air, and then suddenly goes out and loses all interest in the proceedings initiated. Sociable as a child, full of charm, especially for female and most of all for the mother whose love he enjoys shamelessly. Has many friends, to whom loves to draw and brag. He is a strong man, but the bearer of this name is not easy, it contains a huge opportunity, which is difficult to implement, but also keep a very difficult.

«Winter» Herman: more resistant to the temptations of various kinds, not malleable, has an opinion tends to literary activity, feels good changes in fashion.

«Autumn»: sensible, take it more likely medicine and art, can be a sculptor, journalist. A good combination is a patronymic Vladimirovich, S., M., P., A..

«Summer»: poetic nature is restless dreamer, a lovely parody actor.

«Spring» Herman: bouncer, but he has something to be proud of. He dances well, plays the guitar, the ringleader in the company, all the love.

See also patronymics value: Germanovna and Hermanovitch.