Meaning of name «Ignat»

Origin: Ignatius from the Greek - unknown, unknown, from the Latin - not born.

Name-: 2, 8, January, February 11, 1, June 10, October 10, November 5.

Derivatives: Ignatko, Ignaha, Ignashev, Egon, Igoshev.

Color: Yellow.

Key features: Intelligence, intuition, morality, sociability.

Totemic plant: Holly.

Totem animal: Sperm Whale.

Zodiac: Pisces.

Type: Quiet, never are nervous phlegmatic. Do not like to rush into their veins cold blood. Even experiencing emotional drama, trying to smile.

Psyche: Balanced. People of this type do not try to shine in society, they are cute and cuddly sides.

Will: fairly strong, but are subject to constant doubts.

excitability: Introverts: they are more interested in their own inner world than the surrounding life. Timid, even cowardly.

The reaction rate: Since childhood, their arguments easier to convince than to make power.

Ignat jealous demands from their buddies and girlfriends loyalty and wants them to have always been close. Often put friendship above love.

The field of activity: Often chase two rabbits and two specialties are trained simultaneously, such as the exact sciences and acting: Choose a job keeping a lot of free time for various hobbies, such as painting. They have highly developed imaginative perception, so they often become actors.

Intuition: Perfect. Frequently used expressions: "I think ...", "I have a feeling that ...". Listen to them and do not try to persuade.

Intelligence: Have overly analytical mind; attentive to the smallest detail and detail.

Susceptibility: They too developed imagination, so their dreams of love are far from reality. So men do not have enough healthy aggressiveness pressure, they can not express their own feelings and can not tolerate the open manifestation of their other, for example, questions like: "Do you love me? »

Morality: It is law-abiding people. Very devoted to family, even if it seems that the "keep at a distance". Experiencing painful betrayal of friends.

Health: AVG. They need to stick to a well balanced diet, exercise, take water treatments. Recommended to follow the teeth and intestines.

Sexuality: It is unpleasant for them a subject about which they do not want to talk, although adolescence feel the problems in this area. Feel dissonance between the inner receptivity, sensitivity and sexuality and therefore experiencing some anxiety.

activity: Medium Ignat and thus does not become an adventurer.

Sociability: tyrannical. Always impeccably dressed, take a few guests ceremoniously. To some extent, it is peculiar snobbery.

features: Ignat capricious. It looks simple and unsophisticated, he may be confused about another attempt to blackmail, however, still innocent. A few cheeky. Teachers respect him for his erudition and erudition. Comrades dislike for greed and the desire to lead all. This is a capable person and display their abilities in all fields. But working with the inspiration will not - only "from bell to bell", and if possible, try to dump their work on other. Housing different breeds of fish, parrots, hamsters, turtles, but sometimes it is not profitable to sell them off. Likes to read historical novels. Child requires unquestioning obedience, and can spank naughty child. Blinded by passion, Ignat quite able to resort to violence, but in a state of jealousy behaves cool, regardless of the circumstances. Stormy temperament and emotion are periodically replaced by isolation and gloom, and then he can spend hours on trivial grumble about, for example, because the buttons are not sewn. He amorous, but rapidly flashing fleeting sense prevails and prudence. Before the divorce, in any case, rarely comes as Ignat does not like drastic changes in their lives. As a leader in the family, does not tolerate any attempt to deprive him of this role. However, he does not see anything wrong with that, to cook your own breakfast or iron a shirt. Drink moderately. Amateur hearty meal. For his good attitude towards his wife's parents often lie selfish considerations.

particularly difficult to communicate with the patronymic Ignatius: O., Nikolayevich, D., and "winter" Ignat B..

well formed with marriage: Evgenia, Zinaida Natalia Olga Sofia.

unfortunate: Antonina Borislav Barbara Galina Dina, Claudia Lily Love Maya Nina Julia Jana.

Very bad: Oksana.

See also patronymics value: Ignatyevna Ignatievich.