Names » Ivan

Meaning of name «Ivan»

Origin: Ivan Hebrew origin - means "gift of God".

Color: Orange.

Key features: Will, activity, reaction time, sexuality.

Totemic plant: Wild rose, wild rose.

Totem animal: Ladybird.

Zodiac: Taurus.

Type: Choleric with explosive character, similar to his totem - wild rose with thorns formidable.

Psyche: By nature, they resemble a buyer who nervously leafing through the catalog, unable to stop something.

Will: These people have all written on his face. If there was no struggle, life for them would lose its meaning ...

excitability: excitable in the sense that overly sensitive to the opinions of others: "What will people think about me? "" How do I look? »

The reaction rate: Ivan quite aggressive, but there's a strong sense of justice.

field activities: Evaluate yourself and others on the degree of activity. At school, less clever than the other students, so they easily develop an inferiority complex. They make excellent technologists, traders, sailors. These people fit specialty where you can work with your hands.

Intuition: They do not have the intuition that is often the cause of failure.

Intelligence: slowpoke, taking a long time and "chew" the problem with difficulty deciding.

Susceptibility: Boys with the same name are in need of love and attention, although it seems that they are perfectly able to take care of yourself.

Morality: Believe in a higher justice. Do not like compromises. Devoted friends and suffer greatly from the fraudulent actions of others.

Health: Great, what is often abused, oblivious to the fact that time passes and things change. Weak spot - the spine.

Sexuality: Sex is never a purpose for them, but their temperament is seeking to escape. However, at high sexual requests, they are not polygamous. Try not to disappoint them, it may be unsafe.

activity: Remember that extraordinary activity - one of the main features of this character, and draw your own conclusions.

Sociability: When no apparent reason, they suddenly make you cold, do not be offended, and try to remember if you have not invaded by chance in their secret little world ...

A happy marriage is waiting for him with a woman, whose name: Alevtina Alla Valentine Veta Hella, Glaphira Daria Evdokia Catherine Elizabeth Zoe, Irina, Claudia Love Maria. Many others, such as Antonin, Barbara Elena, Zinaida Larissa Lydia Maya. Hope Rima, Emma ​​he hardly suitable.

Feature: Ivan - a common Russian name. It can be a carrier and Clever good boy, and noisy rooster. Vanya is always on your mind, in his character combines strength and weakness, good and deceit, cunning and spiritual openness, tenderness and unbridled fury. He is persistent, and if there is something you think about it often goes ahead. However, sometimes two steps to the target suddenly makes a sharp turn, showing complete indifference to the fact that five minutes ago was seemingly its raison d'être. Latitude nature inherent carriers named Ivan, is also influenced by the extremely broad range of interests, attitudes and plans of Ivan. Who only meet any of Ivanov from a pilot-hero or a writer - the ruler of doom to some thug recidivist. Open to the world and responsive, it is always in the know their brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles. At family gatherings usually collects all the many relatives, he connected with his native roots and honoring the family tradition. Like noisy feast. Mean no one will call. Reacts violently on football matches, watching political events. One that marries Ivan should remember that it is waiting for a few carefree life. His house was always open to him feel comfortable close and distant relatives, friends and colleagues. Refers to people simply he is trusting and unobtrusive. It is flexible enough, but at the same time and can be stubborn when it comes to the vital interests of his own or his family members.

Ivan cherishes marriage, but that does not mean that he would give the opportunity to test the strength of their male spell on one of the bridesmaids wife. Although he is not jealous, but courting his wife other men may respond quite unpredictable way. Often marry twice.

Ivan - amateur home affairs, but work is done mostly male. Very fond of their children.

See also patronymics value: I. and I..